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Hi my name is Kayla donahue i am 18 years old . Cleveland clinic is where i go for my doctors … anyways So I recently just got a port put in my chest and I haven’t used it yet I’m aloud to just haven’t had time . Does anyone know if I will be able to smash my meds up and put it through my port? Bc I also have g-tube so when I push stuff through it like medicine it clogs the tube . And the reason I asked u that is bc my doctor said he don’t know if some of my pill ate actually getting resolved . That and when they access my port will I have to keep the extensions on there at all times even if I’m not using them ? Also if u have anywheel chair tips for advice on anything fill free to message and comment .. #ChronicIlless #GI #Auto immune


At the ER

Hi everyone. I’m at the ER right now, and wanted to reach out to you guys. I’ve been having a huge problem for a long time with severe stomach problems, and I have a problem with overeating too, so the combination has made me feel really sick, and the past two months or so have been the worst. Ive also lost over 50 pounds in the past year or so and no one knows why yet, but as Ive been sitting here Im serously wondering if I could have a blockage or impaction. I read about this just now on the internet and it fits my symptoms to a tee. Plus that can cause weight loss. I havent seen the doctor yet, but Im almost excited because it makes sense to me and though I dont want that, I would be glad to finally know whats wrong.

Please keep me in your prayers okay? Im beyond ready to get WELL!

#ADD #Bipolar2 #Depression #Undiagnosed #GI issues

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At the ER

Hi everyone. I’m at the ER right now, and wanted to reach out to you guys. I’ve been having a huge problem for a long time with severe stomach problems, and I have a problem with overeating too, so the combination has made me feel really sick, and the past two months or so have been the worst. Ive also lost over 50 pounds in the past year or so and no one knows why yet, but as Ive been sitting here Im serously wondering if I could have a blockage or impaction. I read about this just now on the internet and it fits my symptoms to a tee. Plus that can cause weight loss. I havent seen the doctor yet, but Im almost excited because it makes sense to me and though I dont want that, I would be glad to finally know whats wrong.

Please keep me in your prayers okay? Im beyond ready to get WELL!

#ADD #Bipolar2 #Depression #Undiagnosed #GI issues


At the ER

Hi everyone. I’m at the ER right now, and wanted to reach out to you guys. I’ve been having a huge problem for a long time with severe stomach problems, and I have a problem with overeating too, so the combination has made me feel really sick, and the past two months or so have been the worst. Ive also lost over 50 pounds in the past year or so and no one knows why yet, but as Ive been sitting here Im serously wondering if I could have a blockage or impaction. I read about this just now on the internet and it fits my symptoms to a tee. Plus that can cause weight loss. I havent seen the doctor yet, but Im almost excited because it makes sense to me and though I dont want that, I would be glad to finally know whats wrong.

Please keep me in your prayers okay? Im beyond ready to get WELL!

#ADD #Bipolar2 #Depression #Undiagnosed #GI issues


At the ER

Hi everyone. I’m at the ER right now, and wanted to reach out to you guys. I’ve been having a huge problem for a long time with severe stomach problems, and I have a problem with overeating too, so the combination has made me feel really sick, and the past two months or so have been the worst. Ive also lost over 50 pounds in the past year or so and no one knows why yet, but as Ive been sitting here Im serously wondering if I could have a blockage or impaction. I read about this just now on the internet and it fits my symptoms to a tee. Plus that can cause weight loss. I havent seen the doctor yet, but Im almost excited because it makes sense to me and though I dont want that, I would be glad to finally know whats wrong.

Please keep me in your prayers okay? Im beyond ready to get WELL!

#ADD #Bipolar2 #Depression #Undiagnosed #GI issues


At the ER

Hi everyone. I’m at the ER right now, and wanted to reach out to you guys. I’ve been having a huge problem for a long time with severe stomach problems, and I have a problem with overeating too, so the combination has made me feel really sick, and the past two months or so have been the worst. Ive also lost over 50 pounds in the past year or so and no one knows why yet, but as Ive been sitting here Im serously wondering if I could have a blockage or impaction. I read about this just now on the internet and it fits my symptoms to a tee. Plus that can cause weight loss. I havent seen the doctor yet, but Im almost excited because it makes sense to me and though I dont want that, I would be glad to finally know whats wrong.

Please keep me in your prayers okay? Im beyond ready to get WELL!

#ADD #Bipolar2 #Depression #Undiagnosed #GI issues


The financial hell that is applying for SSI while your body is still falling apart

I have really been going through it health wise lately. Six months ago I had to apply for SSI (I do not qualify for SSDI) and I feel like I've lost all hope in life. I've been sick my entire adulthood (I am 27 now), and the past two years in particular have dramatically declined in ways I cannot fathom. I have been in and out of the ER due to complications from so many health problems, and right now I might have to go back. I have hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome, POTS, hashimoto's disease, small fiber neuropathy, fibromyalgia, CFS/ME, severe GI issues, and mental illness on top of it. Most of my health problems all stem from the ehlers-danlos. I am currently suffering from severe GI complications potentially needing to be hospitalized as well as struggling greatly financially because you are given no support during the social security application process. For those of you who have applied for SSI, how did you get through the financial hell on top of your declining health? I am on the verge of losing my apartment because of how poor I am and I seriously do not know how anyone does it. The application process is so grueling, terrifying, and long I do not know how much longer I can take like this. How did you get through it and survive? I am starting to lose hope both in my stability physically and how im gonna survive this insurmountable loss of financial/housing stability.#SocialSecurity #Ssi #Ssdi #Disability #EhlersDanlos #hypermobileehlerdanlossyndrome #POTS #Neuropathy #GI

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Restroom Access Law

My friend and I are trying to get the Restroom Access Law, also known as Ally's Law, passed in the state of Florida. It is an important law that would give respite to so many people with chronic illnesses that affect their ability to wait to go to the bathroom. For many, waiting is just not feasible.

Please help us with this by signing this petition:

Thank you all so much! Sending hugs and healing to you all!

#ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #GI #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #CrohnsDisease #UlcerativeColitis #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #gastrointestinal #cantwait

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I feel I just want to sleep till spring #Cronic pain #Fibro #pancreatitis #GI #and the list goes on

I hurt everyday all day, I feel such shame and guilt 🌸 Spring just feels like a fresh start a new begining and the fall🍂and the rain are just like the tears that quietly fall down my cheeks #its hard to be stong all the time

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Does anyone know what these are for?

I was wondering if anyone knew what they plastic “buttons” were for next to my GJ Tube? My doctor never told me and I don’t see him for a few weeks so if anyone could help that would be great. Thank you!
#GJtube #GIDisorder #FeedingTube #Gtube #Jtube #Stomach #stomachpain #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #EnteralFeedings #Surgery #GI #help