Went to help teach Youth Group last night, all while my body rebels, which it does it daily, not sure why this is different, but, I did play Volleyball
Went to help teach Youth Group last night, all while my body rebels, which it does it daily, not sure why this is different, but, I did play Volleyball
When the pain is so bad u r rocking back and forth, 12:30am
Doing things for yourself is rough, I believe u all agree, like getting ready for bed, walking, getting up, sitting down, etc? I love my independence, but, wow.
I'm just 37yrs old, so so thankful for u all, yall, have been great support, encouragement, I'm just really struggling right now, pain is throbbing, constantly.
I, so so, get tired of people saying try this, try that, if u would get up and move more, switch doctors, this to shall pass.
Thanks for being my friends and family.
If all that will work, have u been diagnosed with all this???
I have
-Retinaopathy of Prematurity
-Carpal Tunnel
-Groin Pain
-Essential Tremors
-Shoulder Pain
-2L5 S1 Discectomies
-Knee and Ankle Pain
-De'quarveins Tenosyvitis
Some people may be trying to help, but, please, please don't shove it down my throat.
The thing that gets me, is people say I'll pray for u, ***WILL U REALLY???*** I'll be there for u, ***IF SO, WHERE R U???***
The religious people say, listen to this pastor, he has a healing ministry, the last time I checked, God is the only ONE healing.
Man, a lot of people just don't understand, don't get it, etc.