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Venting on christmas night. #ADHD #Depression #Holiday #Family #alone #Pain #Disability #Age

I'm having the weeps right now. I don't know why. I thought i was mentally prepared. I was looking forward to a break from stressfulwork and resting/recovering from (hopefully) temporary back pain. My husband will be visiting his mom tomorrow.

I'm split. I get to organize my time to my liking, writing or reading if I want to. Self care (physical therapy or rest). Music for me.

But I'm feeling alone and frghtened and old. (64, feel likee 84, but doubt I will reach 70--I hope not.)

Rambling, and mucking up this post in this app. I'll write to myself and call a warm in the morning after m husband leaves

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Sending love to you ALL!!

I always send support to you lovely mighties.
And today I wanted to send some love too.
Many of us need a little or a lot extra support and love these days.
However you're getting through; good for you!
Please take so very good care of yourself.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Making a list of holiday coping strategies!

I am going home to my parents for Christmas.
My boys are soooo looking forward to it.
But as you may now by now; I struggle with my relationship with my toxic day.
So I've made a list!
And I'm checking it twice;)
So far it includes:
Leveling up my boundaries
Keep my distance and talk less with him
Remember: he's in the wrong, not me!
Cozy up in the kitchen
Creating a safe space within myself where I remember who I am
I want to stay in MY story about ME!
I want to remember who I am, not loose myself or my baseline
Grounding, casting an anchor
Focus on non toxic family members
Take their dog for walks
Validate myself
Defend myself in my inner dialog
Observe it, don't absorb it
Meds when necessary.
Do you have a strategy?
Or maybe you're lucky and don't need one.
(Picture from Google)

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Yep, not really "feeling it" this Christmas

5 days to Christmas.
And I just want to let you know that however you may feel about the holiday, you're valid in your feelings.
This year I am way more triggered than I would like to be.
Normally I adore Christmas.
And I am sad that I am not feeling well...
I alternate between being numb, in turmoil and depressed.
I still adore Christmas.
But this year it seems like it's going to be a bit more blue and less cheerful.
I am working on accepting this so I can make peace with it.
And I'll focus on the small joys.
And the magic.
Even though I might not be able feel them or take them in due to my mental state...
Sending you much support for the holidays.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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× "Happy Turkey Lurkey Day!" × #ShoutOut !

° " Spending Time With Family And Total Stranger's... Can Be Well Alittle Bit Of A Chao's.. So Remember To Alway's Take A Time Out.. For Yourselve's... And Have Peace... All My Love ~ SKAOI KVITRAVN #Holiday 's

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Holidays Hurt

I don't know what a "normal" holiday is supposed to look like, yet somehow that is all I crave.

A holiday where you don't have to decide if it's worth it to see family members if you know it is going to cause a flare afterwards.

A holiday where things aren't tense because of all the family members who still don't want to admit or get treatment for any other mental health issues.

A holiday where I didn't need to lay down to rest in the middle of the day and that I didn't wake up in pain.

A holiday where I don't see the traditions others are doing and remember just how much my chronic illnesses have taken away from me.

A holiday where I don't see all the other people my age who now have a family of their own and starting a legacy of traditions with their own kids... all while I wonder why my body didn't even give me the choice to decide what I wanted my legacy or future to look like.

A holiday where it doesn't make me realize that yet another year has passed and the harsh reality of how many goals I didn't meet.

A holiday where I could actually feel comfortable inviting people over to our house... to have a house that isn't constantly in a state of destruction thanks to two ADHD adults living in it.

A holiday that didn't make me miss my career and all the extra events and services that I used to work during these special weeks of the year.

If I'm being honest with myself, I know that there probably isn't a "perfect" holiday for anyone. Yet it's hard not to notice so many more painful realities during these days each year. Because when you have chronic illness, it never takes a holiday or day off.

And it's hard not to hope that somehow, someway, next year will be a little bit better. But for now, I have to try and find the moments I can enjoy in the midst of yet another holiday that feels ruined.

#Holiday #ChronicIllness #Fibromyalgia #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #postviralsyndrome #ADHD #Bipolar2 #Anxiety

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I signed up for a zoom group about #Anxiety and #PanicAttacks . It starts tomorrow. I never got the Email link on friday. Today was a #Holiday #Familyday here in #Canada . So of course i didn't get a message today. Unless i get it in the morning. I have a feeling maybe the Grpu[ was full. So im put on the wate list. Which is unfair. I did sign up when the calendar came out. Doesn't seem fair to me. I think this place has a limit

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