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i hate being in a nursing home even in skilled care.

i feel as though I'm a pain in other peoples asses. especially my nurses and aids. I'm here to get iv antibiotic therapy and they take away my rights to make my own decisions. #Fibromyalgia #sciatica #Scoliosis #Arthritis #scizoaffecttive #Bipolar2Disorder #non alcoholic fatty liver disease #Neuropathy #Anxiety #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Osteopenia #Anemia #Hypokalemia #hypocalcemia #Asthma #ObstructiveSleepApneaHypopnea #Insomnia #venusstasis #Venus insufficiency with edema #Psoriasis ?


Anyone repeatedly having wacky lab results....

I have Aggressive Systemic #Mastocytosis (among other things) and since October, all of my labs from my oncologist and my primary care doctor are all wacky and seem to be getting more out of sorts. My wbc has been down to my rbc, hgb, hct, are all low too now. My potassium is so low I’m 80mEq a day of infusions, and nobody can seem to figure it out. I have seen my Hematologist/Oncologist, my GI, my Rheumatologist, and my GP and nobody can understands what or why this is happening to me.

I’m now on infusions about 21hrs every day and I’m so tired of being tethered to this tube and pole....and as of now it looks like this may be a life long therapy. If anyone has ever had this type of thing happen, how did you figure it out? Thanks in advance fellow warriors

#Lupus #HEDS #sjogrens #RheumatoidArthritis #SystemicLupusErythematosus #ChronicIllness #Hypokalemia #Mastocytosis #asm #MastCellDisease #GIDiseases #Ivtherapy

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So Hypokalemia and Lithium

Has anyone experienced Hypokalemia after being on Lithium for a while?

I was admitted to the ER last night for asthma-induced labored breathing/continuous shortness of breath - but none of it's asthma related. They did EKG and CT and labs. Everything was pretty normal except low potassium which my psychiatrist pointed out last time I had an appointment. So they have me supplements and said get your heart checked. But because my psychiatrist brought it up.... #Asthma
#lithium #BipolarDisorder #Hypokalemia #Bipolar2