I feel like this can apply to all NDs. I've gotten into the habit of asking people what they mean when they ask open-ended questions and if I don't understand the intention of what they are saying I ask "are you being literal, joking, or sarcastic?" It helps me so I don't get upset for taking what they said literally, as well as not laughing at inappropriate times because I can't tell. (Pic from Pinterest) #neurodivergent #neurodiverse #Neurodiversity #NeurodevelopmentalDisorders #IntellectualDisability #IntellectualDisabilities #Disability #ADHD #audhd #Autism #AutismSpectrumDisorder #AspergersSyndrome #Aspergers #SensoryProcessingDisorder #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #MentalHealth #Spoonie #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #Dyslexia #Dyscalculia #Dysgraphia #Dyspraxia #TouretteSyndrome #Hyperlexia #Communication