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It's been quite a year...

It's only the end of May and I'm tired.
I don't know where to start. I could say it's one thing or the other but... im really not sure if we should split those hairs.
Mostly this is an introduction. I'm an Aussie, so G'day. I'm Jaks, 44, insanely hsppily married to love of my life. I have fibromyalgia. Erythromelalgia and chronic "other," pain. Blood tests are perfect tho. Early this year I had neck surgery [deg disc disease) and began my secret plan to replace body parts with metal... next will be my arthritis riddled knee but it's had shots for now.
Hubby is my official carer however he has chronic kidney failure so i spend each Tuesday night deathly worried about him. I've seen him nearly drown now 3 or 4 times. This year. It hurts my heart so badly. He also has diabetes Nd other things. We laugh our way thru but in all honesty it's super hard and yup I'm writing this on a Tuesday.


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Archer introduction!

Hello my name is Archer Eli (he/him) I am 19…And I created this group :)))

I struggle from several chronic illnesses including : POTS ,MCAS ,EDS , gastroparesis , vasovagal syncope, idiopathic anaphylaxis and I have some unexplained symptoms. I have a central line port and often use mobility aids!

(The picture is of me and my cat Hobbes)


Dylan's Introduction

Hi, my name is Dylan and I am the leader of this group! This is the first group I am running, so please let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns as we go along.

I came to paganism through a desire for spirituality after leaving organized religion. I have chosen family who are indigenous and are practicing spirituality through reclaiming their traditional methods, and this drove me to find out what my own ancestors' spirituality might have looked like. My research led me to paganism and the associated beliefs and spiritual practices.

I now identify as pagan, heathen, and/or spiritual, and maintain a solitary practice. I would consider myself primarily a green witch, as I feel a lot of connection to the earth and the life she sustains. I am slowly working towards a more natural and environmentally friendly lifestyle, changing one thing at a time, and trying to find methods that work with my disabilities. Ideally, long term goals include living on the land, in harmony with nature.

I am also disabled, chronically ill, and recovering from C-PTSD. The management of my physical and mental emotional wellness overlap so often that I cannot separate them. Paganism helps me manage my health by grounding and soothing me, supporting my routine, and allowing me to access fulfillment regardless of what life is throwing at me.

I'm hoping to use this group as a place to share my experiences with pagan spirituality and chronic conditions, and hear others' experiences on these topics. I'm also hoping to make some connections and build a sense of community, where we can support each other in our practices and in our well being. While I am happy maintaining a solitary practice, I would also love to have other pagan folk to share with.

Feel free to make your own introductory post, or get right into sharing whatever is on your mind! I'm looking forward to hearing from you. :)

#Paganism #Spirituality #Disabled #ChronicIllness #CPTSD #introduction


Dylan's Introduction

Hi, my name is Dylan and I am the leader of this group! This is the first group I am running, so please let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns as we go along.

I came to paganism through a desire for spirituality after leaving organized religion. I have chosen family who are indigenous and are practicing spirituality through reclaiming their traditional methods, and this drove me to find out what my own ancestors' spirituality might have looked like. My research led me to paganism and the associated beliefs and spiritual practices.

I now identify as pagan, heathen, and/or spiritual, and maintain a solitary practice. I would consider myself primarily a green witch, as I feel a lot of connection to the earth and the life she sustains. I am slowly working towards a more natural and environmentally friendly lifestyle, changing one thing at a time, and trying to find methods that work with my disabilities. Ideally, long term goals include living on the land, in harmony with nature.

I am also disabled, chronically ill, and recovering from C-PTSD. The management of my physical and mental emotional wellness overlap so often that I cannot separate them. Paganism helps me manage my health by grounding and soothing me, supporting my routine, and allowing me to access fulfillment regardless of what life is throwing at me.

I'm hoping to use this group as a place to share my experiences with pagan spirituality and chronic conditions, and hear others' experiences on these topics. I'm also hoping to make some connections and build a sense of community, where we can support each other in our practices and in our well being. While I am happy maintaining a solitary practice, I would also love to have other pagan folk to share with.

Feel free to make your own introductory post, or get right into sharing whatever is on your mind! I'm looking forward to hearing from you. :)

#Paganism #Spirituality #Disabled #ChronicIllness #CPTSD #introduction


#introduction #Depression

Hi my name is Amirah I'm 23 years old was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I am not new to Mighty I just forgot my login info so I made a new account.

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Drop a comment to say hi! Add alittle bit about yourself if you wish.

I'm Sarah, I was diagnosed with FND in January 2019. I have intense neck and back pain and couldn't feel my legs for three months. Since then I've got the leg sensation back (most the time) but have the added symptoms of seizures, migraines and urinary retention. I'm learning to live and adapt my life around this disorder. It's changed my life so much, but I refuse to let it control me!


Life with my Assault #Survivor #survivor of rape and or molestation #SexualAbuse #gettingoverabuse #introduction

So, this is my first post and I'm kinda nervous. I guess I should say Hi. And warn that what I'm about to post may be triggering to others

I was sexually assaulted when I was under the age of 10, we moved away before it progressed too much farther. I never told anyone. Flash forward a handful of years and my current step dad offers to... assist in certain situations. I didn't know how to say no, and now... here I am.

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I'm Jennifer Lucas from Nicholasville, Ky, I'm 37yrs old, thank for allowing me to join, was invited here by another online Chronic Pain Friend.

Y'all r my friends and family

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle, wrist Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Groin Pain

I love sports, Football, Basketball, Soccer, I was adopted.

Looking to meet other fellow Chronic Pain Sufferers to get to know and maybe become friends with.

I don't have a lot of support, care, or love, or I don't feel it



I will say I'm not good at giving support or being a friend, because it isn't given to me.


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I'm Jennifer Lucas from Nicholasville, Ky, I'm 37yrs old, thank for allowing me to join.

I have
Congenital Hydrocephalus,
Retinaopathy of Prematurity
Chronic Knee, Ankle, wrist Pain
2 L5 S1 Discectomies
Essential Tremors
Groin Pain

I love sports, Football, Basketball, Soccer, I was adopted.

Looking to meet other fellow Chronic Pain Sufferers to get to know and maybe become friends with.

I don't have a lot of support, care, or love, or I don't feel it



I will say I'm not good at giving support or being a friend, because it isn't given to me.
