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I feel like I’ve been so irritable lately and I’m not quite sure why. I grew up in an angry, abusive household and I try my best every day to be better than how I was brought up. But lately I’ve felt so much anger and frustration about the smallest things and it’s hard for me to not have a bad attitude with certain loved ones sometimes. Can anyone relate and do you have any mechanisms that help you work through those feelings? #Irritability #MentalHealth

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No peace/quiet. #Irritability #Misophonia

Lost the charging case to my Jabra Elite ANC 7 Buds and everyone is pacing around me. Will earplugs hurt their feelings? Can’t concentrate focus on anything!

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Flipping The Script

The last post I wrote, I was in a #Depression episode because of the #BipolarDisorder . Now things have flipped and I’m in #Mania though it feels like #Dysphoria . I’m highly agitated and experiencing this desire to keep moving. I’m very frustrated and tired from the lack of sleep. Even my meds don’t seem to be working (especially the ones for sleep). Does anyone else experience irritability and frustration rather than euphoric happiness during mania?

#BipolarDisorder #Mania #Dysphoria #anger #Irritability


Off my meds #Medication #MentalHealth #Antipsychotics

I stopped taking my meds abruptly at the beginning of Autumn last year after my mum decided that she trusted me enough to take over responsibility for my meds. I feel awful about betraying her trust but I just can't bring myself to take them anymore. I don't believe that there's anything wrong with my mental health either but I don't know... Can suddenly stopping meds cause irritability? I also feel hazy and seem to find it harder to concentrate on certain things, is this a consequence too or am I mentally ill after all?
#denial #coldturkey #Irritability #Psychosis


How to control #Irritability with #HashimotosThyroiditis flare?

I’m in a pretty severe Hashimoto’s flare right now after having my son 6 months ago. One of the worst symptoms is the irritability and anxiety. I’ve been lashing out at my husband over the littlest things very easily, which is unusual for me. I can feel my blood pressure and HR rise as I get agitated. Any tips for dealing with this?

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Bipolar Irritability: Does anyone else experience this? How do you cope when it interferes with your life?

I’ve been irritated this past week and I’ve read that irritability is a common bipolar symptom. I was wondering if any of you have felt the same way. Any feedback would be helpful. #Bipolar #Irritability #CopingTips


#Irritability #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

I often feel desperate for quiet time alone and claustrophobic with my kids moving around me, especially at the end of the day. I’m always working on breathing deeper and being more patient but my anxiety is of the charts. It might be OCD

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The truth has to come out

Does anyone's pet cause them anxiety or put them in a bad mood? I see positive stuff but hey calms can destroy a house and cats ruin furniture. I'm curious. #Anxiety #Irritability