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Hi guys ! I happen to have an agitated night because I feel overwhelmed.

At home, there are a bunch of people with who I experienced some really negative emotions and I don't know how to deal with the rush of it all.

How do you deal with overwhelm?

#Overwhelm #AspergersSyndrome


Confused and overwhelmed by life

Lots going on trying to keep strong and positive but would appreciate any hugs or warm positive wishes my way, thanks so much and I’ll do the same for you too! 🦋🦋🦋🌈🌈 #Overwhelm #sad #happy #confused #journey #alone #Trying #counselling #hurting #DoingMyBest #cry #Selfcompassion

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Mindful Monday

I saw this online and wanted to share. Take what you like, leave what doesn't work for you but at least try out these strategies next time you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

#Mindful #mindset #MindfulMonday #Anxiety #Overwhelm #MentalHealth #grounding #Acceptance

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Is your phone stressing you out?

I don't know about you, but I have a love/hate relationship with technology, especially my phone. While I enjoy all the things it does for me, it also demands far too much of my time and has been the source of a lot of trauma triggers for me.

That's why I LOVED this article by Brittany:

5 Ways You Can Change Your iOS Settings for Your Mental Health

Some of these tricks to changing your phone settings could be a game changer for managing the overwhelm that our phones can create.

Would these help you? Do you have a love/hate relationship with your phone? What other tricks do you use to manage phone stress?

#Trauma #PTSD #CPTSD #triggers #IPhone #Overwhelm #Anxiety #Stress

5 Ways You Can Change Your iOS Settings for Your Mental Health

If you've ever had your iPhone show you a traumatic memory to some quirky music, you may want to read this.

Stressed and not up for celebrating

It's almost my birthday, but I don't feel like celebrating. These last six weeks have been a series of stressors and now I'm just maxed out. I'm feeling perpetually overwhelmed, anxious, lonely and full of rage. Then I feel bad for even having those feelings, like I'm ungrateful or something. (It’s so fun judging your own feelings 🥺) Some good stuff is happening next week, but it's wrapped in a heavy blanket of stress. I've cried everyday for the last six days....ugh. #Anxiety #Overwhelm #Rage

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It’s Okay To Take Time To Pause

I find taking a pause can be beneficial in many different situations.

~ When there seems to be so much to do that I don’t know where to start and overwhelm and panic kick in

~ When I’m down in the black pit of depression and can’t see a way out

~ When I’m in the middle of a flare and it feels like it’s gonna last forever

~ When the world seems too loud and every noise feels like a hammer hitting me

~ When the kids are pushing me to the edge

~ When the pain is so bad and I don’t know if I can cope with it anymore

I might still be in the same situation afterwards, but taking that pause really helps to refocus my mind and gives me chance to remember that

~ I can just take it one thing at a time and it will all get done eventually

~ That I’ve been down in that pit before and so I know that there is a way out

~ That I’ve got through every other flare and I will get through this one and get back to baseline

~ That it’s ok to retreat from the world and it’s noise until I’m ready to deal with it again

~ That the kids are living with my illness as well, and they are less emotionally capable of dealing with it so need me to be their calm and safe place

~ That I have a 100% success rate at getting through the pain, and while it’s ok to struggle with it I am also strong enough to cope

We might not be able to change our situation, but taking time to pause can give us the opportunity to reframe it.

To remind ourselves how strong we truly are.

To remember that we are warriors!

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #Overwhelm #Selfcare

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It’s Okay To Take Time To Pause

I find taking a pause can be beneficial in many different situations.

~ When there seems to be so much to do that I don’t know where to start and overwhelm and panic kick in

~ When I’m down in the black pit of depression and can’t see a way out

~ When I’m in the middle of a flare and it feels like it’s going to last forever

~ When the world seems too loud and every noise feels like a hammer hitting me

~ When the kids are pushing me to the edge

~ When the pain is so bad and I don’t know if I can cope with it anymore

I might still be in the same situation afterwards, but taking that pause really helps to refocus my mind and gives me chance to remember that

~ I can just take it one thing at a time and it will all get done eventually

~ That I’ve been down in that pit before and so I know that there is a way out

~ That I’ve got through every other flare and I will get through this one and get back to baseline

~ That it’s ok to retreat from the world and it’s noise until I’m ready to deal with it again

~ That the kids are living with my illness as well, and they are less emotionally capable of dealing with it so need me to be their calm and safe place

~ That I have a 100% success rate at getting through the pain, and while it’s ok to struggle with it I am also strong enough to cope

We might not be able to change our situation, but taking time to pause can give us the opportunity to reframe it.

To remind ourselves how strong we truly are.

To remember that we are warriors!

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #Overwhelm #Selfcare


I feel overwhelmed. I have a lot on my plate for the next week, and no I can't take any of it off. I know getting everything done is possible. I think my overwhelm and anxiety stems from the fear that my AS will kick off and knock me out and I won't manage to do everything I need to do. It is a constant fear for me. This last week AS has kicked off and knocked me out for a few days after a period of relative stability. Every time I get knocked like this, this specific anxiety and overwhelm rears its head again. I know I can only do what I can. I know I must make my health my number one priority, and yet even after 5+ years of this it's at times like these I still fight it. I still stress and worry over it eventhough 99% of how I feel is outside of my control. And I don't know where to go from here. I don't know how to lessen this overwhelm. Prioritising and planning doesn't do it because I can't plan the unpredictability of my health into it.
#ChronicIllness #Anxiety #Overwhelm #scared #axialSpondyloarthritis #ibs #Disability #unpredictablehealth #HealthAnxiety #EmotionalHealth