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Wishing you all a pleasant night. Sweet dreams.


¸.•*¸.• ✿´¨).• ✿¨)

(¸.•´*(¸.•´*(.¸. •*Good Night

Sweet Dreams 💙✨💙✨💙


Today was kind of a blah day.

I pray today that your strength be renewed and that you mount up on wings like eagles and see your problems from a different view. I pray that you see them as opportunities for you to testify about God's goodness, grace, love, and mercy as He meets every need in your life. I pray that You are strong today in the Lord and the power of His might. I pray that you know that you know that God is with you and I pray that you know that He will never leave you nor forsake you. I pray that you and your family haven the faith of a mustard seed and that you trust God to see you through. He needs to see your faith in him to work in you. Trust and obey God and watch The Lord work through you. In Jesus holy name we pray ... Amen.

Mary Jo Hensley Ruebusch#TheMighty #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #LearningDifficulties #LearningDisability

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Good morning friends. Happy Monday.

Good Monday Morning Everyone 🌻🍃

(¸❀´ (¸.🌻🍃´´¯`•.¸¸. ❥Have A Grrreat Day 🌻🍃#TheMighty #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #LearningDifficulties #LearningDisability


Thank you

I'm new in this community & this is my first post!

Over the last few years, as I've journeyed into the world of parenting a child with special needs, I've often been encouraged by stories on The Mighty that have made me laugh and cry and somehow captured something of what it's really like to be on this amazing, confusing, beautiful, bewildering, often overwhelming path!

So, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has shared honestly of themselves here in this place #SpecialNeeds #ThankYou #Parent #SpecialNeedsParent #Autism #Autistic #LearningDifficulties #MentalHealth


Does having Intellectual Disability., mean you have a childs mind? When someone said i relate to kids ore then adults and i guess im a little slow. That kind of hurt my felings. Like i said before i always feel like people talk down to be. #LearningDisability #LearningDifficulties #Depression

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Happy Birthday,Mom 🎂 #mom #Dead #Birthday

Moms been dead now over a year. I don't miss her at all. So it's a funny feeling when, this morning, various texts came for her birthday from the family in the " group texts" While loving & being supportive to her other 3 children, she despised me since I was 19, 20 with my diagnosis of schozophrenia. Exposing the mental illness I inherited from her side of the family & quite likely, of which she herself had, but was in denial of having from shame,etc. So I feel very strange today. Feb.1- damn.😒😣😞 #Schizophrenia #thoughdisorder #Psychosis #Perception #LearningDifficulties


Dyslexia and learning #Dyslexia #ADHD #frustration #LearningDifficulties

I have started schooling In Behavioural Intervention.
I wanted to be able to do this beacouse i never really got the help i needed, i want to help kids learn and be the best person they can be. But
I've been just getting so frustrated with myself, this online learning is really showing major difficulties for me. Honestley, i feel like i should not be doing this at times. I really am just lost.

i KNOW there is acessibility services, and such but it is still primary all online. Is there any way i can learn more profficiantly? Or are there tests out there that can help me?


I was wondering if there was anyone that goes through the same thing as me?

So I recently shared my story on here about how I am missing part of my 15th chromosome. And it kinda makes it harder for me learn things. if I don't take my pills, and even when I do, I am still a slow learner it's like I would pay attention and stuff but once I got the workworksheet I would forget everything the teacher was teaching. I never really me anyone that has went through the same thing so I was wondering if there was any one on this app that is going through the same thing or something similar. I had this since kindergarten.
#15thchromosome #Seizures ##LearningDifficulties