Even though I’m not necessarily suicidal and the stereotypical depressed person that mopes about and hates life, I just have zero motivation to do things. Mostly, the things I love doing, or rather, used to love doing. I am the apathy queen. I just feel like it doesn’t matter anymore and that it’s just so much effort. I used to be an artist and draw all the time but now I just lay in bed on my phone and waste away. I used to love even watching Netflix or a favorite show but even that joy is now gone too. Nothing brings me joy anymore... besides my current boyfriend and perhaps fleeting joys like food, sex, and music. How do you spark passion again into your life? How do I even begin to start feeling that way again? I can barely walk to the shower to wash myself after of couple days of not washing let alone work out, enjoy hobbies, or do anything healthy for that matter (anything a neurotypical would be able to do with ease). I’m apathetic but I’m not pessimistic. I’m a ball of joy, an extrovert, give good advise, idealistic, smddupportive, and capable of holding a job. Yet I am unable to sit through a tv show without thinking of the void and the inevitability of death. Is it just me? Why am I so sad doing things that are supposed to be fun? #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Depression #apathy #Sadness #Mixedemotions #Motivation