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I need to make ____________ a priority.

Something you've been putting off? Your mental or physical health? A task on your to-do list? Tell us what you need to prioritize right now. ✔️

#MightyMinute #priorities #selfcaresaturday #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Anxiety #Depression #RareDisease #Cancer #Disability #Autism #Parenting

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How do you organize your to-do list? #52SmallThings

Part of prioritizing is figuring out how to organize your to-do list. While some may prefer to organize tasks by category, others may prefer breaking them up by when you want to complete them (morning tasks vs. evening tasks, for example). There is no wrong way to organize your to-do list! Let us know how you organize your priorities in the comments below.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Parenting #RareDisease #Disability #Anxiety #Autism #todolist #organization #priorities

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What are some things that make finishing tasks difficult? #52SmallThings

Sometimes it can be hard to focus on our to-do lists, making our priorities get a little bit out of order. Maybe you are productive for 20 minutes and reward yourself by spending five minutes playing video games, only for that to turn into an hour. Drop in the emoji that best represents the thing that makes finishing tasks difficult for you.

🎮 Video games
🖥 Social média
📱 Phone calls/texts
❓ Something else (Share with us!)

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Parenting #RareDisease #Disability #Autism #Anxiety #priorities #Distractions #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe

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What are some things that make finishing tasks difficult? #52SmallThings

Sometimes it can be hard to focus on our to-do list, making our priorities get a little bit out of order. Maybe you are productive for 20 minutes and reward yourself by spending five minutes playing video games, only for that to turn into an hour. Drop in the emoji that best represents the thing that makes finishing task difficult for you.

#MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #Disability #Parenting #RareDisease #Autism #Anxiety #priorities #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #Distractions

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What helps you the most with balancing priorities?

When it comes to figuring out your responsibilities, there might be some methods that work better than others. Drop the emoji that best reflects what helps you the most with balancing priorities:

📝 Writing a to-do list
👫 Having an accountability buddy
💻 Sharing your goals online
🧐 Something else (Let us know!)

#52SmallThings #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Autism #Anxiety #priorities #CheckInWithMe

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What is the most important thing you need to do today?

Whether you keep a to-do list or not, it’s good to have an idea of what needs to get done each day. Sometimes it can be difficult knowing what tasks you need to prioritize depending on the day. That’s why this week’s challenge is all about prioritizing your “to-dos.” Share in the comments below what the most important thing you need to do today is.

#52SmallThings #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Autism #priorities #prioritize #CheckInWithMe


"To Be Great Is To Be Misunderstood"

Yeah, until you're hit with the despair and loneliness you get from being an outcast.

Please stop telling me that I will one day become one of the greatest's *whatever*, just because I had to endure this shitty mental brain damage. Because I will probably not. I do not want to get into self-fullfiling prophecies again. Believing that something great is ahead of me is highly delusional and it would break my trust in the Universe, who guarantees that while everything may not be great they will be okay.

Personal *development* tends to prey on the weaker people and unfortunately I fell for it. The problem with me was that I was too focused on the end goal itself rather than the process as a whole. I was blinded by this vision of mine that my life will happen like a fairy tale, where everything is shitty at first and then BOOM the magic happens. And then if my goals didn't happen I'd get disappointed, boohoo the fairy tale is now a tragedy. The self-help industry is so culty. It entices you to try their products in the hopes of something happening, and if nothing does you are advertised another product.

I should have written my goals as "become an animator/translator, earn money, spend time with friends, travel the world, buy weird things from Japan, video games, video games, video games" That's it. No more big-time saving the world unless I have the opportunity to do so. Why do our dreams have to be big when you are not spared from disappointment? My anxiety and depressive episodes seem to have gotten worse this year, and I do not want to increase the likelihood of these happening. Because with mental illness nothing seems to matter anymore. I would just want to get better. Anhedonia is the worst when it comes to this, because you've achieved all of this and then suddenly the spark is gone.

This does not mean I will turn down every opportunity to change my life, but I just need to minimize the risk of mental illness creeping in.

#Anxiety #Depression #MentalIllness #MentalHealth #PersonalGrowth #goals #priorities #anhedonia

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Tangled Life #finding clarity #making a plan #evaluating pri

For so long now I feel like my life is hopelessly tangled up in knots. So, though it has seemed overwhelming, my first priority is to take baby steps in going about setting manageable and realistic priorities. I have to start somewhere!
#CheckInWithMe #finding clarity #priorities #keep it simple



1. What's my pain level or flair today and how do I manage it #chronicbackpain #sibo #celiacsdisease #Migraine 2. Can I eat or is it just a drink day, if just a drink day get my nutrition sorted out 3. Communicate my needs to my husband and carer and hopefully build up to a walk in my wheelchair in the afternoon for us both to enjoy a chat and drink and journal later on.

Priorities can change each day from being bedridden to to cooking and hydrotherapy. I've long ago learnt to take each day as it comes. The past two weeks have been in darkness, so the light is wonderful. Always be kind to yourself 💗
#52SmallThings #priorities