Small Cell Lung Cancer

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If you are living with a late-onset rare disease, what advice do you have for others navigating their daily life?

From family planning and relationships, to employment and retirement, living with late-onset rare disease can affect every single touchpoint in a person’s life (much more than others even realize).

But there’s strength in community, so we'd love for you to pay it forward. What’s a piece of advice you can share about your day-to-day experiences with navigating rare disease? What’s helped? What hasn’t?

✏️ P.S. We’re creating a story with one of our partners, Catalyst, to raise awareness around late-onset rare disease. Your answer may be used in an upcoming editorial story on The Mighty.

#RareDisease #LambertEatonMyasthenicSyndrome #MyastheniaGravis #CheckInWithMe #Spoonie #MentalHealth #LungCancer #SmallCellLungCancer #MuscularDystrophy #IntravenousImmunoglobulin #NeuromuscularDisease

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is selia. I'm here because I get lung cancer,I’m very scared

#MightyTogether #crohn'sDisease #SmallCellLungCancer

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“Weebles May Wobble but they ...”

Hi Y’all-
I’m Sara. I’m new here but also not.
I know I haven’t had much opportunity to open up on The Mighty. That said: Simply being able to read and press the ♥️ button has been an INCREDIBLE HELP. THANK YOU FELLOW MIGHTY WARRIORS!

With that in mind- let me jump on into the deep end (I’m talking diving via springboard-nose plugs and all) of the pool.

I absolutely dig the “Favorite Quotes”
Post (?) Pardon-as I learn more Mighty jargon 😉☺️...

Today- I put a quote up in that thread. Total ‘No Holds Barred’ I could think of many a quote- and will probably add more.
But I digress-

The quote that popped into my head is from a band named ‘NoMeansNo’
The quote:
“Nonsense is better than no sense at all.“
From their ‘0+2=1’ Album.

The thing is - the quote has always stuck with me for various reasons-
Recently, however, it’s become emblazoned in my heart 💜 and MIND.

It has become even more special to me b/c My Best friend
(aka- the FAMILY I Choose) of over 25 years passed away not even 1 year ago (2019)
His birthday was March 11. He would’ve been 46 this year.
Now, Myself and Family/ FRamily alike, must get through April.
April will be 1 year of his passing.
I’m a bit all over the place.
Pinging from thought to thought- just as I did as the dancer that I once was...literally Spinning and jumping-
Only now, the landing is tougher.
The spinning doesn’t stop- even if I look at one fixed point in the distance
(as dancers are trained to do so that we don’t fall over).

Lately I’ve been more like a ‘Weeble - Wobble’. Remember those?
That succinct tag line:
“Weebles Wobble BUT they don’t fall down!”

Ok, Now I’m ‘dating myself in time’ and I can hear the echo of his (my friend’s) laughter just from me writing about Weeble Wobbles... 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oy.

With all the Chronic illnesses that have been w/me since birth + The Cancer I got through + the Cancer’s Aftermath and NOW new Neurology issues -(That list is long enough for this moment) -

Putting all that aside
I can only say: In MY personal experience- My 42 years of this crap-

I am used to being the one who survives in this Intoxicatingly Beautiful Tragic yet Wondrous Life.

I’m not complaining -ok maybe a lil bit- but it does beg the question: “Why me?”

Not exactly “Why is this happening to me?!” Although those days do happen. Y’all know! We all get them 🙃

Rather: “Why Me?”
As in “Why am I still here?”
Watching people who have had the same or similar experiences, illness or issues fade away. . . 🧚‍♂️
“Why am I still here?”
#CheckInWithMe #MightyTogether #CPTSD #SurvivorsGuilt #SexualViolenceSurvivors #IllnessAnxietyDisorder
#non-SmallCellLungCancer #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD #Migraines #Goodgrief #weebleswobble #Neuropathy #ImmuneDeficiency


Does anyone know of funding or benefits for Caregivers after death -of my fiance (45yrs old) in Michigan?

My common law husband passed away January 1st 2020 after a 9 month battle with Small Cell Lung Cancer - metastasizing through his entire body and brain finally hitting his spinal chord paralyzing him and essentially stopping his lungs! We were not prepared!!! I was his caregiver for 5 of the 9 months until the very end!!! We ran our own roofing company and I am not able to do the work without him


A sudden realization.

Has anyone else had a long busy battle with this cancer, and had a sudden set back that overwhelmed them with the realization that they were after all going to die? this happened to me, and I am weepy, and tired, lonely, and feel like the truth hit me hard.