In recent years, I have found myself overwhelmed by the demands of life. My daughter's illnesses that her father swears she doesn't have, my own loss of career, a failure to return to the workforce, and countless small failures each day.
I have never been someone anyone would suggest that they wish they were like. I am perpetually dishevelled, late, and overburdened. I constantly have to be forgiven for failing at basic everyday things. There's never enough time for me to be on-time, focused, or have basic hygiene and well-rested.
I am hypersensitive and I blame myself for everything. I can constantly "rationalize" the way anything happening to anyone is my fault somehow. It's exhausting for me and those closest to me. For that reason, everyone eventually walks away. I'm the problem they just can't solve. I've had therapists tell me I can't get better if I don't want to.
I do want to be happy again, but to keep physically healthy, we have to stay isolated (somewhat). To keep my daughter's condition in healthy states and her education in progress, and her mental/emotional health in check, I have to sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice... isolation, homeschooling/online school, pay attention to every comment and attention ploy.
I am exhausted and buried beneath stressors that endlessly prevent me from even checking in on my own health. I don't want to be an over aggressive parent who controls every aspect of my kid's life, but between physical conditions, mental health conditions, and a pandemic, wth am I supposed to do?
I'm sorry to be so social with all of this. I know everyone here has their own struggles. I guess I am just hoping for a knowledgeable ear and maybe someone with sound advice who has lived through something like this or worse. I do realize our situation could be so much worse. I am just exhausted right now and pretty down.
Thanks for listening.
#Depression #Anxiety #SpecialNeedsParent #GeneralParenting #COVID19 #PTSD