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Meditation is not torture

Meditation! Much hated by many with BPD I imagine. I tried it many times and felt being alone with my thoughts was to much to bare. However after practising 5 minutes once a week. I know very small right?! Anyway I managed to learn the true point to meditation. Or at least why it was useful to individuals living with BPD. So your mind wanders whilst meditating right and you bring your mind back to thinking about your breathing and thinking about we’re your sitting noticing your finger tips etc. it’s no different to when your not meditating, your mind wanders away from trying to relax watching tv and starts to convince you, you are a bad person. You then bring your mind back to resting and watching tv and speak to your inner child and say I hear how you feel but we’re resting at the moment. That is what meditation is! At least for me, a reminder that I can bring myself back as many times a day as I want. #Superhero

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Banksy new art #Art #Superhero

A new Banksy artwork has appeared at Southampton General Hospital. Uk

The largely monochrome painting, which is one square metre, was hung in collaboration with the hospital's managers in a foyer near the emergency department.

It shows a young boy kneeling by a wastepaper basket dressed in dungarees and a T-shirt.

He has discarded his Spiderman and Batman model figures in favour of a new favourite action hero - an NHS nurse.

The nurse's arm is outstretched and pointing forward in the fashion of Superman on a mission.

She is wearing a facemask, a nurse's cape, and an apron with the Red Cross emblem (the only element of colour in the picture).

The artist left a note for hospital workers, which read: "Thanks for all you're doing. I hope this brightens the place up a bit, even if its only black and white."

Just wanted to share this beautiful piece with you all.
Brought a tear to my ear.
Have you heard of Banksy?

Love n hugs Tj ❤🤗🥰😘🥰💜💖🤔
#ArtWork #hobbies #Superhero #Sharing #Chatspace #Banksy #ArtTherapy #Lovenhugs #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #checkonyourneighbours #Bekind #loveyourself


How do you feel about alter egos?

How do feel About creating an alter ego to help you get through certain situations. #alterego #Superhero #Motivation


What sort of #Disability / #MentalHealth representation do you need to see? #Superhero #Film #Representation

I am writing a script of a tv show for my friends (many of whom, like me, have disabilities) to cheer them up. It’s a superhero drama where many of the characters have disabilities. What sort of messages do you think are the most important to send with a piece like this? What are the parts of having a #Disability that you feel are most misrepresented on television? Even though this will probably never make it to television I want to give my friends the experience of seeing themselves represented, and represented accurately.
In case you need more information, some of the #Disabilities represented are:
#SpinalCordInjury, #Depression and #Anxiety, and severe #Jointpain but I hope to add others. I’m open to any suggestions; I just want to make my friends see themselves as heroes instead of “victims” or “background characters.”

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I will not let others get to me! #NeverGiveUp #hanginthere

Sometimes when you feel good, others will try and snatch your glow. Leaving you in despair. Did they think for a minute how long it took me to pluck up the courage to get to this point? What’s worse is when they are the people around you, that know what you struggle with. I guess to some, it’s easier kicking a person who can easily fall down...but I will not let them keep me down. Just as fast as they kicked me down, I will spring back up. At least I’m not afraid of falling down, and if it makes them feel good for that second, then good for them. Just know this, anyone who is suffering out there you are stronger than you know. Brighter days are coming and you will be ready. Hang in there! #Superhero #Shiningstar #UlcerativeColitis #Ileostomy

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