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Overcoming the Invisible Battle: My Journey with Anxiety


Hi, I am part of the MBBS undergraduate journey. I faced many hardships and challenges during this journey, and I would like to share one of my personal secrets and former insecurities. I never used to talk about it with anyone. I worried about what others would think and feared they would judge me or leave me behind, making me feel alone. This is about my "anxiety issues." Not just simple anxiety, but a specific subtype.It was in 2022 when I first felt the symptoms. At that time, AI was on the rise, so I entered my symptoms into an AI bot, which suggested that I had anxiety and needed medical care. I sought medical help, and slowly, over time, my anxiety started improving. Many people with anxiety suffer in silence, not reaching out for help, or those who receive proper treatment do not talk about it much. In this modern time, no one talks about our mental problems. So, I feel compelled to share my experience in hopes that someone else might find help.

My Experience:It was my decision to seek medical help. At first, I had many questions swirling in my head: Why me? Why am I the only one affected? Will the medical help work for me? Will the treatment decrease my mental stability or my mind's retention? Will I need electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?But hold on, after the first day, all my doubts disappeared, and I felt much better after the first counseling session. My doctors advised some investigations before starting medications. After the investigations, I attended my second counseling session. My doctor clearly explained that the medication was to be taken on an emergency basis and would not affect my mind or mental stability.After the first or second counseling session, I felt significantly better as my anxieties began to disappear, allowing me to enjoy life more easily. Sometimes, I feel lucky that I self-diagnosed the problem and sought medical help before the condition worsened.

Support System:My support system included my psychiatric doctor and their strategies. My doctor gave me ample time during counseling sessions to speak about everything that bothered me, whether it was related to my friends, class performance, or other issues. My doctor used therapy sessions to address my anxieties.Additionally, my support system included my soul sister. She had no idea what anxiety was or how I felt, but she listened to everything I said and comforted me, assuring me that everything would be fine. My family also provided support by offering comfort and understanding.

Coping Strategies:My doctor recommended a novel to help me overcome my anxieties. She even bought the novel for me. Reading it thoroughly gave me insights into various coping strategies. The strategies that worked for me included:

- Affirmations

- Diverting my mind from constantly worrying about others' opinions

- Avoiding perfectionism

- Shame attack exercises

Most importantly, accepting that I had a problem and believing that I could overcome it

Message of Hope:I always thought that overcoming anxiety was a huge task, but accepting the problem and believing in my ability to overcome it made the process easier, though not easy. Great things take time. There were times when I felt extremely anxious and hopeless, but I would recall my support systems and reach out to my sister, who would help me get through those moments. Remember, mental problems are internal and invisible to others. It's essential to gather strength within yourself and stay happy.Awareness:I once read that people often care about what is visible, focusing on physical health while mental issues go unnoticed. When untreated, they can progress to something more severe than expected. So, if you feel something is wrong, seek medical help as I did, without delay.

Conclusion:In conclusion, people may not understand what is happening in your mind, so it's our duty to seek medical help if we are not feeling well. Don't feel sad; you are not alone in this journey. Many people neglect their mental health or avoid talking about it. Focus on what you want and remember to stand up for your mental health. If I can help, feel free to reach out to me.#overcominganxiety #anxietyawareness #overcominganxiety #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #togetherwecan #breakthestigma

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Every Day, Lately

Yesterday, I shared how my mornings go. Today I will elaborate on why "Every Morning" is so very exhausting.

I've been in the mental hospital more times than I would like to admit. However before that, I went to college majoring in biology and neuroscience. I wanted to understand my chronic issues and "fix me".

Unfortunately, I did not find for what I was looking. Going through several different specialists, I found some diagnosis (treatment resistant depression, generalized anxiety disorder, a circadian rhythm disorder, sleep apnea mixed in with a bit of obsessive compulsive disorder and perfectionism).

I never found a medication or medication combination that revolutionized my life. I found many coping mechanisms that helped like medication, a proper diet, journaling, blue light therapy, talk therapy, yoga, dance, deep breathing techniques, transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy (TMS), acupuncture, Chinese herbs, teas and lately, homeopathy.

However, as I alluded to earlier life happens and you are left flat broke (literally), unable to pay for most of these services. For example, due to my mental health, I had to leave graduate school and move in with my parents. My business failed, and at this point no one will hire me. My ex-husband left because he couldn't support us (along with a mental breakdown of his own). So, I am left alone, depressed, anxious, unemployed, living with my parents, picking up the pieces fighting the strong urge to just give up. Did I mention I my mornings are actually afternoons? (More on that later.)

Yes, this is officially a "Cry Me a River" post. However, that's why I joined this platform. I officially have no one to really talk to or in my case 'vent'. However, I think that is why we are all here. Am I right? Let's get all of our problems out in the open and support each other?

Well, I definitely hope that is the case because most 'normal people' look at me, when they hear my story and say, "I am praying for you". They also say, "I am sending you good vibes".

That's all very nice and appreciated but I am sincerely looking for the support and strength to keep going. I want to keep finding the good things in life, the joy, the wonder, the excitement, anything that makes my life worth living. I don't want to give into the perpetual desire to clock out of the human race. (Not that there is any guarantee things will be better on the other side, just saying.)

As Angelica Hudson says to Drew Barrymore in "Ever After" (It's a really sweet movie by the way.) "No matter how bad things may get, they can always get worse."

It's up to me to make it better and that's a hard concept to swallow. It's just me against this crazy spinning rock. :/

#Support #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #Community #Support #venting #circadianrhythmdisorder #Journaling #TMS #Acupuncture #chineseherbs #homeopathy #financiallystruggling #unemployed #Divorce #Burnout #Loneliness #Hope #strength #NeverGiveUp #onwardandupward #togetherwecan

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THE MIGHTY HAS GIVEN ME A VOICE #Bekind #CPTSD #togetherwecan #Openingup #vulnerability

The Mighty Has Given Me A Voice
I have felt as if, I have been unheard and unseen, my whole life through. I feel like I finally MATTER, to someone, on this earth. The freedom is astounding, but with it, comes great pain. I must warn, as I have already experienced, a hurtful, bully, almost succeed in getting through my thin skin. My life’s wounds are fresh, and yes they hurt; I almost packed up my pen and left. I beg of you, to hear me out, how crucial kindness is, on this, lifesaving site. We must protect this gem of freedom, called “The Mighty!”
The Mighty, gives me, unlimited, thought provoking questions, that I can in turn, inquire of myself. What I learn from my own answers, speaks volumes itself, but more so comes from the comments, soon to follow. The compassion I’m given, which I won’t give to myself, is healing many broken bones. More importantly, I have finally begun, putting ink to paper, allowing those thoughts, feelings, and parts of my life, which remained hidden away, to be touched by the light of the sun. These are the facets of myself, the sun’s light, can start to heal. Exposing the very idea of “secrecy,” as a life draining force itself.
I now beg of you, when I write in prose, be kind, for I’m lying my fresh wounds, out, bare. Please, don’t hurt me, for it’s happened before, and I need you all, to help me, recover. I have CPTSD, and I just opened myself up, to an endless amount of pain, if I’m again attacked, so please be kind, to everyone who puts pen to paper. I will leave you now, but listen up, for I have just learned how to speak…. #Bekind #CPTSD #togetherwecan #Openingup #vulnerability