"..... that gives you a couple hours to try & relax your body... "
"... have you scheduled a Dr. Appt & had your anxiety looked into to get medication for this... "
THOSE words were told to me this morning as I was experiencing a panic attack & calling out of work.
Grant it, my attendance is NOT the greatest due to my anxiety & other reasons, but for some reason these words triggered me some.
I'm NOT a medication person. I'd rather go natural or let it run its course. & that has caused so much debate with whomever I share my story with.
I've only seen the Dr once & in all honesty, I felt like it was a waste. Have not been back since. Again, causes a huge debate with whomever I'm talking with.
My anxiety/panic attacks have no schedule. They show up unannounced. They don't have a set speed. Some are mild. While others are extreme. Like todays. My body felt numb. My head was pounding. Nauseous feeling. Eyes burning. All I wanted to do was lay in bed. I work 30 mins away from my house & have to drive the freeway. There's no way I'm taking that chance of driving. I've done it before. Was the scariest time of my life thus far.
This job has been the toughest with ppl & them judging ones story. Refusing to educate themselves on certain issues. Quick to jump to conclusion. Very toxic. Today just showed me that some management needs to read up on mental illness & how to approach/respond to individuals who don't need to be belittled during an attack.
Am I the only one who feels like this? I feel I am. Maybe. Who knows.
I just needed to vent while I'm feeling a bit better.. carry on!
#Anxiety #Depression #Migraines #CheckInWithMe #Chatspace #PanicAttacks #toxicworkplace