World Mental Health Day

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October 11th always bums me out a bit. On one hand, it's beautiful to experience World Mental Health Day annually in a global effort to raise awareness and shatter stigma. It gives some people the courage to speak their truths when otherwise they might stay silent. That, in itself, makes October 10th a worthwhile venture.

My deflation comes today, following the parade of green hearts and ribbons peppering social media feeds. Because for one day, I feel empowered and lifted by the support of influential voices in this world. For one day, I can scroll knowing I'll find some inspiration or some good self-care tips. For one day, my priorities in life seem somewhat normal.

But when you hear crickets the next day in comparison, the truth becomes blatant: so many brands use my crippling health conditions as fuel for their bottom line. That's all. They don't share because they care. They share as a marketing tactic that keeps them "relevant" and top-of-mind for their customer base. But awareness doesn't work if it's only active 1/365th of the time. In fact, when that's the case it doesn't serve a purpose at all. It's performative, not productive.

As hard as it is living with mental illnesses, the mask of advocacy that brands put on for World Mental Health Day makes the fight even harder. My diagnoses are not a short-term platform for your brand's profitability. So... what action will YOU take today to keep advocacy alive?

Mental illness is real. So is recovery. But healing won't come out of forced personas and performative support.

#WorldMentalHealthDay #MentalHealth #ChronicDepression #Anxiety #Awareness #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #EatingDisorders #Recovery #MightyTogether #ComplicatedGrief

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#WorldMentalHealthDay ✨🦋

Help reduce the stigma of mental health:

Speak openly about mental health and encourage conversations about the topic. It should not be taboo.

Educate yourself and others. Make it a point to respond to or acknowledge misperceptions or negative comments by sharing facts and experiences.

Be conscious of language by reminding others that words matter and have an impact. Mental illnesses should not be utilized as adjectives.

Encourage equality between physical and mental illness through drawing comparisons to how they would treat someone with a physical illness.

Show compassion for those battling mental health struggles.

Be honest about treatment – normalize mental health treatment, just like other health care treatment.

Let the media or people in your life know when they are using stigmatizing language.

Choose empowerment over shame.

Mental Health Resources

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741

National Eating Disorders Association: 1-800-931-2237

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (7233)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255)

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)

The Trevor Project (LGBTQIA+): 1-866-488-7386


Mental Health America

The National Alliance of Mental Illness

American Psychiatric Association

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Happy World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHealthDay

Wishing you a Happy World Mental Health Day!
My journey from 2018 to 2021 was long but not particularly difficult. I gave up a lot of things, but I gained a lot of positive experiences in the process. I learned that it's alright not to be okay sometimes during my illness.

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A story for world mental health day #WorldMentalHealthDay #MentalHealth #Suicide #Kindness #Friendship

**Trigger warning ⚠️ sensitive topic **

On world mental health day I’d like to share a story that might just help someone… It is my story but it’s also not about me at all. It’s about other people who are important and need and deserve love and kindness…

I’ll never forget the day (many years ago now) that my close friend sat me down and told me she owed me her life. I was shocked to say the least at this massive far reaching statement and asked her to explain. She said she’d be suicidal (I had no idea but I knew she’d been struggling) and all the times I’d called her, talked to her, tried to make her laugh, dragged her to the pub for a drink and a laugh and just generally let her know I was there for her. She said those times had saved her life. That she’d been suicidal and if it wasn’t for me being there for her and showing her there was a reason to live she’d have done it. She had planned it and she was going to do it. I was stunned. Humbled and stunned all at the same time. All I could do was hug her and cry. Shocked that my beautiful, intelligent, compassionate and amazing friend could have such a low view of herself and placed such little value on her life. Shocked that she’d planned it and shocked that my actions could have prevented her from doing the unthinkable. And I was grateful. Grateful that the amazing and beautiful person she was was/is still alive and with us today.

But I understood…
Because I’ve been there myself.
I’m not ashamed to say that. It was a long time ago now and I’m not that person anymore… But it can happen to anyone at anytime in their life. No matter how happy and together they might seem on the outside. You never know. Grief, trauma, abuse, bullying, poor finances, relationship breakdowns, addictions, low self worth, the pressures of life… There can be many reasons people get to a place where they just can’t see reason to live anymore.
I wanted to write this post because I’ll never forget that day and what my friend told me and I’m so glad I listened to my gut and made sure that she was ok.

Now please, this post isn’t about me or what I did, it’s nothing to do with me or what I did at all because I had no idea she was planning to take her own life. I was just being myself and trying to be there for her because I knew she was struggling and my gut told me to keep checking in on her.

But please, if you’re friends say they are struggling, listen to them and take it seriously. Chances are that they’ve dulled it down a lot about how bad it really is. Chances are it’s taken incredible courage to even admit they’re struggling. Chances are your kindness will just give them that little spark of hope they need to carry on. Take time to care and just be there (if you can). And if you an’t, point them to someone who can. Tell them you care, that their life is important and things will get better. It might just save someone’s life. Peace and love 💗 xxxx