I know the day has ended, but I still wanted to post this.

Things are really challenging right now for the AAPI community. Those who are a part of that community, please know that you’re not alone. I have a lot of overwhelming feelings about this entire situation. I ended up taking a break from social media for the week because reading and hearing about it continuously made me upset. I am filled with an incredible amount of rage and I don’t have it under enough control to speak very in depth about this openly on a public platform. I am still very upset and I’ve struggled with processing it all. It is an ongoing thing. However, this is still important to talk about. People are hurting. I want those of you who have been affected, especially those in the AAPI community, to please reach out to someone if you are having a hard time with this, are emotional, feeling some type of way, and need to vent or rant. I don’t want people to sit with this on their own. It’s really challenging to find a person or place where we can feel safe and supported without fear in general. With this negative spotlight, it can be even more challenging. Safety is a huge concern I have for myself and those who are a part of the AAPI community. I had suppressed my own feelings for a few days about all of this and it had really gotten to me. There is a tremendous weight to this societal issue and to hold it on your own is too much. I am open to people sending me direct messages on here if you would like to chat about this and/or would like support. I’m constantly thinking of the those we lost in Atlanta and their families. My heart goes out to all individuals who have been impacted, small or big, it matters and should not be dismissed, it should be expressed, acknowledged, and heard.

Regardless of whether you are part of the AAPI community or not, please know that support, comfort, and love that you express about this topic is meaningful. We all have our limits and capacities in which we can take actions. The easiest one I can identify is be kind. Just please be kind. I know that is something that I would appreciate at this time.

If you took the time to read this post and this makes sense to you, thank you.

Take care of yourselves and remember that you’re not alone.

Sending love and care your way,

#MentalHealth #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Parenting #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe #StopAsianHate #AAPI #Racism #Reflection #AsianAmericans #Society #SocialMedia #Loss #violence #anger #hurt #COVID19 #ADHD #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #Depression #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #IntrusiveThoughts #SuicidalThoughts #Trauma #WhereMyMindIs