Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), occasionally still called dysmorphophobia, is a mental disorder characterized by the obsessive idea that some aspect of one's own body part or appearance is severely flawed and therefore warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it. In BDD's delusional variant, the flaw is imagined. If the flaw is actual, its importance is severely exaggerated.
Symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder may include a person:
-strongly (but incorrectly) believing they have a physical defect that makes them ugly
-frequently checking their appearance in mirrors, or avoiding mirrors
-wearing a lot of make-up or growing a beard as cover
-spending a lot of time grooming
-constantly comparing their appearance to others
-seeking reassurance regarding their appearance
-following a strict diet
-exercising excessively or weight lifting
-taking anabolic steroids or dietary supplements
-undergoing cosmetic surgery
-tanning excessively
-compulsively picking at their skin
-frequently touching parts of the body they don’t like
-avoiding going out or being with other people, or being photographed
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