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Saving me daily

This year's journals.
One half full bullet and art journal.
One diary with pages left for December.
One full bullet and art journal.
Therapy work.
Praise lists.
Accomplishment lists.
Just to mention a little of what goes into them.
And I can't but into words how much my journals help me.
Sometimes I feel they save me daily.

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How does "Showing yourself grace" look to you?

Thank you all for your support on my last post.
Wow. You have all helped me more than you know.
I am not doing worse today and I'll take it!
Several of you talked about "showing yourself grace".
And I have just started a page in my journal for that topic.
Because I would love to do that more.
And I wish for you, that you would too.
But how does it look?
How do you show yourself more grace?
What practices can you do?
Your perspective is more than welcomed.
In my language we don't have a direct translation of the concept of grace.
So I am struggling a bit to understand it.

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Do you have a goal - no matter how big or "small" - for October?

I like setting small, attainable goals for myself. It makes me feel more optimistic about the future which is needed. And it helps me facilitate some of the changes and growth, I'd like to see in my everyday life.
This is my front page for October in my journal.
And I think my goal for this month is being brave in group therapy. And doing my after session notes for group and individual therapy. I have this opportunity for a short time. And I would like to give myself the gift of getting the most out of it.
Do you have a goal for October?
It doesn't have to be big at all. I find that the "small" goals often times lead to the biggest changes and accomplishments.
Share with us if you feel like it.
I know I feel more accountable when I've shared with you sweet people.
Wishing you a great October🍁🐿🎃

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Look at the difference🤩

Love old journals and new journals.
Starting a new one.
And just look at the difference between the filled ones and the (almost) empty one.
I love journals.
My journals save me time and time again.

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Do you collect ephemera?

I have always kept ephemera:) it feels like keeping memories to me. And I struggle A LOT with my memory due to my diagnosis, so every little slip of help is appreciated:)
I keep them in boxes and my journals.
Do you collect ephemera?
And if so, why?
#Journaling #coping #MentalHealth #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #AvoidantPersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #Burnout #scrapbook #scrapbooking #BulletJournal

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BuJo spreads to prepare for autism evaluation?

Has anyone ever used their bullet journal to help them prepare for an autism evaluation or any other mental health evaluation?

From the sounds of everything happening in my life lately it seems that I'll finally be getting evaluated for autism (as an female adult)!! I want to be as prepared as possible and I feel like my bullet journal is a perfect way to organize that but I'm drawing a blank at spread ideas.

What are some things I could be tracking, measuring, collecting...

All ideas welcome!

(photo of my old uni week spread and it's pretty colours to not get lost and give a sample of my style)

#bujo #BulletJournal #Autism #AutismDiagnosis #MentalHealth #organization

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Bullet Journal - Coping Mechanisms

Hey everyone! My name is Holly and I have been bullet journaling for about a month now. I’m using it to try and improve my mental health and because I find creative outlets help me during difficult times. It’s also a form of mindfulness for me. I have BPD and deal with a lot of intense emotions and can find them quite difficult to manage. I recently added a coping mechanism page to my bullet journal and added some colour and little drawings. I wanted to share it with the group as a suggestion for others but also because I really enjoyed making it. I hope everyone is having a lovely day.
#BulletJournal #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #copingmechanisms #Drawing

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Why Bullet Journal?

The Bullet Journal system is kind of an all-in-one package. In one book I can manage my appointments, my self-care routine, my medications; I can plan meals, organize projects; use the book as a diary, a sketchbook, a planner, and it's all Customizable and Personal. The modules are adaptable to just about any use, any style, any any need.

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