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"Emptying a space for the new to be revealed." So that is what happens when we take a vacation! Word Baths are my morning meditation, I ask for a word for the day, write down what pops into my head and then define it. (My husband Ron (and sons) built this beautiful wooden kayak.) #dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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The Ocean as Support for Grief

The ocean has been a reliable companion when I've struggled with grief. Its immense presence seems to help contain my tears. Word Baths are my ritual of defining my word for the day. (Thankfully not sad today, but offering for those who are.)

##dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #writingcommunity #Writing #writingprompts #memoir #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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Tenderness to Self

TENDERNESS is so much easier to find for a sweet fuzzy animal than for our wounded grumpy selves. (Not that these wallabies were about to lash out at me!) Asking for a Word for the day is my writing ritual, I then bathe in whatever definition arises. What is your definition of Tenderness?

#dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse #CoerciveControl

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Tolerance for a Friday

Tolerance - a good word for a Friday when the tank refill is very very close....

Meanwhile, there is always a cup of tea. My Word Baths are my definitions of a word that pops up for me first thing in the morning. A great writing ritual as at least I have written something before breakfast.

#dailyaffirmations #dailyrituals #definitions #writingcommunity #Writing #writingprompts #memoir #Meditation #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #Ptsdrecovery #PTSDawareness #Selflove #selfcare #UlcerativeColitis #AnalCancer #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #NarcissisticAbuse

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I apologize for my week or so away from The Mighty. The pandemic blues hit; hard. I was surprised by some of the symptoms. #whatdefinesme ? I have not been employed outside the home for years but had always felt secure in my skin. What happened??? I consider myself a victor over decades of #emotional /psychologicalabuse, but my partner's narcissistic need to talk 'at' me was blurring my thought processes. NOW is the time to devote my time, energy, my all to me! Return to #dailyrituals #Meditation #Gratitude #readvarious genres #study /research #reclaimmyhomeasmysanctuary #ArtTherapy #cleanorderlyenvironment #IKNOWMYINNERTRUTH

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#pandemic #Depression #lossofficusonmyneeds #dailyrituals #Selfcare

I greatly, sincerely apologize for my week-plus abscence. It happened: #pandemicdepression descended. Along wuth the depression i felt #lostconfusedwhereami ?.#holi days, without my siblings but we're a very tight group. Replace loneliness with zoom! All of the hashtags i've noted above are areas i need to ease back into; get back to me
How are the rest of you feeling?