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Truly. Small things can be great too.

I am limited.
This is my reality.
I only have so much energy to go around and I need to pick and choose what to spend it on. Always having to keep in mind that I cannot overdraw my account. I need to balance my ‘checkbook’, if you will, to make sure I don’t go down to zero either, because then I might not have enough for the next day.
(Obviously I am not perfect at Pacing as I find myself doing too much on occasions as I get impatient with my limitations. Overall, I’d say I do pretty well with it.)

So what do I choose to spend it on? Well, some mundane tasks need to be done like laundry or light cleaning, so I spread it out over a few days. I work within my boundaries which I have somewhat figured out by trial and error. This is part of Pacing.
Now, I am a very lucky Gal to have a super supportive husband and three kids that help me with some of the heavier chores, just would like to point that out.

When the Mundane Pragmatic stuff have been taken care of I choose to spend my energy on stuff that fills my heart and soul with contentment. Whether they’d be Creative Coping Strategies like painting, drawing, forest bathing, expressive writing or listening/making music (now the latter depends fully on headache pain levels but within my capacity, music will always have a part in my life) or just being with my family in the moment.
I also am a half of a duo who talk about exactly this in podcast we have named Creative Copes- A labor of love for ourselves and hopefully an aid to others.

This is what I spend my energy on.
Things that matter to me; that settles body and mind and makes my heart pumping blood.
I am not all knowing and cannot be Worldly Great: I am clearly not meant to be a main figure in changing the world lol.
But I can do Small things in a Great Way, for myself and others, and hopefully someone can pick up what I am putting down and feel more inspired to get up every morning and meet the day head on. Love and light ❤️
#pacing #CopingTips #MECFS #Fibromyalgia #ChronicHeadaches #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #spoonielife #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Anxiety #Agoraphobia #ChronicPain #dynamicdisability #ChronicPain #Pain #Acceptance #Grief #TheMighty

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