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The Mighty Being Glitchy

Me trying to reply to someone: and post! …… post! …… Um….. post? Nothing happens so I refresh the page. Ah why did you post it 3 times! Delete, delete!

Me trying to reply to someone else: and post! …… not again…… should I post again….. nope I’m not falling for it! Refreshes page. Hey that was a reply not a comment! Delete, delete! I sum up my reply in one sentence cause I lost what I wrote…. Then I see it ALSO posted my previous reply as a reply (in addition to a separate comment)…. Delete, Delete! I look crazier than usual!

Don’t worry I’m laughing at myself lol

#TheMighty #Glitch #Posting

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Anyone else not seeing images post?

This is my latest watercolor, a little cartoony mermaid. 🧜‍♀️ I've uninstalled and reinstalled but still having trouble with images. Can you see the mermaid painting in this post? I'm having trouble seeing my own and other's images in posts. Hmm 🤔 #Glitch ? #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #chronicmigraine #Art #ArtTherapy #SpinalStenosis #AnkylosingSpondylitis

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Good Afternoon #Glitch #MightyTogether

Hiya Family and Friends

I must say I was having a bit of a mild panic attack

I couldn't get onto the Mighty 😱
I was on it then on no it crashed ☹
Then it just kept showing me the same loading screen.
My wifi was working I could get on to all my other apps
So do I get the hammer out!! I felt like it. But no I did the next best thing 😅 and deleted and reinstalled. Holding my breath the whole time. Thinking 🤔 do I know my password
It worked 🙂🥰😆
Dam glitches

I'm back in.
Panic over
Sweat dripping from brow 🥵
4hrs of no Mighty is enough
So have a great day my Friends
Love n hugs Tj
💕❤😘💞😁🤗😊🦄🦓🙄😆😁 #NeverAlone #Kindness #Bekind #RareDisease #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #loveyourself #checkonyourneighbours #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Arthritis #ChronicFatigue #ClusterHeadaches #MentalHealth #BeingKind