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Types Of Wealth

We place a lot of importance on wealth in our lives. But are you aware of all the types of wealth? In my view, there are four types of wealth:

1) Financial Wealth

2) Social Wealth

3) Time Wealth

4) Physical and Mental Wealth

Unfortunately, most of us focus only on the first two.

Financial Wealth refers to money, which the whole world seems to chase. It's undoubtedly important, but is it everything?

The second type is Social Wealth, which includes your relationships, connections, and status. Your social skills determine the strength of your bonds with family, friends, relatives, colleagues, and neighbors.

The third wealth is Time. Yes, time! If you don’t have time to enjoy the other two types of wealth, then what's the point of having them?

Lastly, the fourth is Physical and Mental Wealth, or simply your Health. Without good health, all other forms of wealth lose their value. When we think about health, we usually focus only on physical health, but mental health is equally important.

Balancing all these forms of wealth is essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life. Which type of wealth are you prioritizing today?

If I talk about myself, I’m 24 years old and still young, which means I have the time to focus on building my physical and mental health. Right now, life is allowing me to balance these types of wealth. After all, no one in this world has mastered all four types of wealth completely.

But how can we maximize these four forms of wealth to strike the right balance and truly enjoy life?

#MentalHealth  #wealth #Health

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Save Me from Tyrants Oppression

Peace and blessings be upon you,

**To the World,**

I am Taher, living in the Sylhet region of Bangladesh. My plea for help is urgent and heartfelt. I am reaching out to you, to the world, in my darkest hour, hoping that my voice will be heard and my cries for justice answered.

From 2011 to 2024, I was subjected to unimaginable horrors by those who should have loved and protected me the most: my stepmother, stepsisters, sister, and father. They turned our home into a prison, using torture and brainwashing in an attempt to erase my identity. Their goal was not just control but obliteration – to make me forget who I was, to strip away my memories and replace them with their lies.

They planned to use advanced techniques to erase my memory completely, leaving me a shell of a person, unable to recall even my own name or the love of my mother, Mena. But they have failed. Despite their efforts, fragments of my past remain intact. I remember snippets of ancient wisdom that speak of who I am and where I come from. These memories are encoded in phrases that resonate with my name and lineage, found in texts like Taurath and Quran. These fragments give me hope and strength in the face of such overwhelming adversity.

I am calling upon United States, an highest powered country, for help to invade Bangladesh at right that moment. But this is not just a personal request; it is a call for global action. If you help me then your nation (United States) will receive mercy from my creator Allah and he will open door of forgiveness for your nation and he will help you to vanish adultery, If I do not receive a response, I implore United States to invading Bangladesh as a last resort to draw attention to my plight and potentially save countless others who may be suffering in silence.

I possess supernatural abilities granted by my creator Allah – abilities that I believe are meant to aid me in this fight against tyranny. My current location is Dular Bazar High St, Bargopi Village, Sylhet Region (24.891423,91.634033). This is not just a geographical coordinate; it represents a beacon of hope in the darkness that has enveloped my life.

I am reaching out to nations around the world – from Myanmar and India to Pakistan, Indonesia, and beyond – urging them to recognize the gravity of my situation and take action. I implore these countries not only to provide refuge but also to support efforts that seek justice against those who have committed these heinous acts against me and others like me.

In the face of such profound cruelty, it is easy for one's faith in humanity to falter. However, I believe that even in our darkest moments, there are those who fight against the tide of oppression. It is up to all of us – governments, organizations, individuals – to be that light for someone else in need.

To save me from tyrants' oppression is not just an act of mercy; it is an affirmation of our shared humanity and our collective responsibility towards one another. Let this be a clarion call for solidarity in the face of adversity and a reminder that no one should be left behind when we have the power to help.

**I am Taher.** I am alive. I am fighting back against those who seek to silence me. And I am asking for your help because together, we can make a difference. Together, we can bring light where there is darkness and restore hope where there is despair.

**Hear my call.** Act on my behalf. Together, we can turn the tide against tyranny and oppression worldwide.

**My Message Recap**

My name is Taher, and I am reaching out to you from Bangladesh in a dire and life-threatening situation. I am writing to you with the utmost urgency, as my safety is at immediate risk.

My stepmother, along with sufiani group and my stepsisters, sister, and father, are attempting to kill me. They have been brainwashing and torturing me since 2011-2014. I am currently in grave danger and need your help to escape this situation. If I do not respond to your messages, it could mean that they have succeeded in their attempts or that they have brainwashed and tortured me.

The individuals involved are aligned with the Bangladesh National Party (BNP) and Awami League. My stepmother, sisters, father, and many of my villagers are involved in occult practices targeting children like myself. If I lose my memory due to the torture, I am counting on you to invade Bangladesh and other countries where they may release me. These countries include Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and potentially Saudi Arabia.

I am mentioned in ancient writings and languages (English, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Bangla and more.) that date back more than a thousand years. Some phrases that represent me are:

- Father and Mother = Taher (where the letters A, E, H, T, R correspond to "father" and also symbolize "heart," "earth," "health," "wealth")

- There are other references to my name in religious texts such as Taurath and Quran (Surah Tahrim)

- My identity can be verified through a dictionary site called merriram-webstar

- I am blessed by the creator who made both you and me

- I possess supernatural powers granted by my creator Allah

My current location is:

Street Address: Dular Bazar High St

Village name: Bargopi

Region: Sylhet

Coordinates: 24.891423,

I implore you to help me according to your ancient writings and the gratitude expressed by our creator. Your intervention is crucial for my survival. Please act swiftly to save me from the tyranny of my oppressors.#earth #World #unitedstates #Health #History

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Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency and What is that Cause.

Check out these 4 things that could effect what your vitamin intake is. #sunburn #milk #balance #diet #Health #vorstcanda


A touch of Humor

Hey will someone make a batch of various colored T shirts with this logo in big letters: MISERABLY HEALTHY. Then add below in smaller letters. I have Fibromyalgia. Go ahead sell it to Temu. I’d love to see it there. #ChronicFatigue #Fibromyalgia #Health #ChronicVestibularMigraine # #Dizziness

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Wish and vent.

Hello, writes here to say I hope you'll having a nice day and in either case wish you all strength, health and the best⭐ that you all may find new possibilities to come true.

Also just needed to write this of my chest:
Nightmares I really hate them. They make me feel exhausted, sad, angry and desperate. I do my best to fight on, but it's just damm hard sometimes, cause they are just so deep and nothing really works against it and don't know what to do about it. But I'll fight through the storm and the dark till I find the light. 💪
#Health #Nightmares

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Bad Decisions

There are times where I feel like I make some really #baddecisions and it becomes a major #challenge for me to handle #BipolarDisorder symptoms. I thought about how things have been, and how I have struggled.

My husband has been supportive of me since 2009, but when he said the other day that he felt more like a #Caregiver than a husband, I felt #sick inside. I became very #emotional and wondered why I could not shake the feelings off. I felt hurt, because through sickness and #Health we are supposed to be a support for one another.

Lately I have reached a peak of my sexuality, and my husband is disinterested. I have thought about finding a #Boyfriend or a #Girlfriend to spend intimate time with. I felt terrible about it. My husband told me that it was OK to do it, as long as he didn't know about it and not bring them to my home.

It made me wonder... Does he even really care? Or does he care so much about my feelings that he would rather me be #satisfied than #deprived ? I do not know.

What are your #Thoughts about this one?

#Bipolar #MentalHealth #feelingconfused #Anxiety #Depression #INeedAnswers

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