Turning a problem into a procedure. #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #Relationships #Faith #Hope #MentalHealth
Sometimes I surprise myself at how I can be blind to obvious solutions. For too long I have endured a load of stress trying to navigate Sydney traffic trying to get to appointments on time.
Traffic can be upended so easily if there is an accident or other interruption so we use a live traffic gps program all the time to avoid getting stuck in a jam. Even then though it can be unpredictable and frustrating.
For too long I have found myself getting very stressed trying to be on time. This morning driving to Tai Chi the traffic was challenging, then the obvious dawned on me.
I could turn this problem into a procedure by simply planning to arrive ten minutes early. If I am early I have some time up my sleeve. If I am delayed then I will still be on time without stress.
So simple, so promising.