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Hi, my name is EveyRosenbloom!

I am excited to introduce myself and share my story with you. Two years ago, I hit my lowest point and was struggling with severe anxiety and depression. It was a dark and difficult time, and I felt like there was no hope for me. But then, my daughter said something that changed everything: "Mommy, you can choose to be happy."

Those words inspired me to delve into the research and find all the ways I could pull myself out of the darkness. I ended up getting certified in positive psychology and the science of well-being as part of my own healing journey. And let me tell you, it has made all the difference. I went from being bedridden to completely getting my life back. The vertigo that had been plaguing me due to a vestibular migraine diagnosis faded, and I was able to start dancing and skating around the house with my kids and waking up early in the morning to swim and go ride horses.

I am happier than ever, and I don't take anything for granted. I continue to practice everything I learned – gratitude, journaling, affirmations, mindfulness, exercise, eating to beat depression and anxiety, filtering out unnecessary stressful content, and doing more of what makes me happy.

I also started a podcast called Choose to Be Happy, where I interview experts in the field of mental health every week to share with others how they too can be happy, regardless of their circumstances. I truly believe that anyone can choose to be happy, and I hope that my podcast can help inspire and empower others to do the same.

Here is a link if you want to check it out:

I am so grateful to be a part of this community, and I can't wait to connect with all of you and share more of my journey. Thank you for reading!

Evey Rosenbloom

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #OCD #MentalHealthAwareness #wellnessjourney #selfcarematters #healingjourney #positivityiskey #selflovejourney #happinessisachoice #mentalhealthrecovery #overcominganxiety #depressionawareness #anxietyawareness #mindfulnessmatters #mentalhealthsupport #MentalHealthAdvocacy #mentalhealthcommunity #positivepsychology #PositiveVibes #scienceofwellbeing #ChooseToBeHappy

‎Choose to Be Happy on Apple Podcasts

‎Society & Culture · 2022
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What do you want others to know about life in recovery?

Recovery sometimes feels wonderful, but it can also be complicated, and it may not be exactly like it’s portrayed in the movies or on social media. What would you like others to know about your life in recovery? What are some parts of recovery they may not see, and how can they support you? #EatingDisorderRecovery 🌮#AddictionRecovery #ChronicIllnessRecovery #mentalhealthrecovery #Recovery #RecoveryLife

Most common user reactions 4 reactions 21 comments

Three Years

It’s been a little over three years since my last hospitalization, in these three years much has changed and I’m happy to say for the better. Three years ago I still was afraid that I will end up right back to where I had consistently been for the past five years. Though I didn’t, it wasn’t easy to get to the place I’m at today. Spending those years not even thinking about the future just thinking trying to get through the next thirty minutes at times. There has been struggles and times where I felt like I was falling in these past three years, but getting to a good place isn’t always the easiest. #Depression #Recovery #MentalHealth #Suicide #Anxiety #mentalhealthrecovery


Grieving the loss of a disengaged parent

I found out the news from my brother. He told me my biological father died almost two weeks earlier and I was in disbelief.  I cried, but for many different reasons.  I cried because he was gone and I didn't get to say goodbye.  I cried because I didn't know if he had spent the rest of his day reconciling that he wasn't the father that my siblings and I deserved.  I cried because even at his deathbed, he still had the ability to make us all feel unimportant and unworthy of his love and affections.  
My biological father was a Narcissist who spent his life believing that we his children were responsible for initiating and maintaining a relationship with him.  And I get it, as an adult we are responsible for maintaining a healthy relationship with our parents.  But as a child, all I wanted was for my dad to fight for me and show up to be a part of my life.  I felt unworthy as I grew up and it took a lot of years and therapy to work through those feelings of abandonment.  Now he was gone.
I still battle with feeling unworthy, but these days I understand that my father was not capable of being a health parent to any of my siblings because there was something broken inside of him.  I live with his legacy of broken familial relationships, living with mental health issues, and knowing his was beloved and cherished by people who were not his children.  
That's the kicker.  When my brother posted about the funeral, people commented about how great of the guy he was and how much they learned from him.  I can barely remember the times when I would visit with him as a child and as an adult couldn't be around someone who was always right and was unable to take responsibility for how his life choices impacted all of our lives.  But now he's gone.  
I mourned his death and the relationship that we never hand. But I also felt a sense of closure about who he was and that my worth was not dependent on his presence or affections. I can stop waiting for him to change, waiting for him to apologize, waiting for him to be something he couldn't. I was free to move forward challenging the legacy he left behind to create a healthier future with my siblings and a healing of the deep wounds of my life that complicated my mental health recovery. I am free to focus on the love and support from my husband, family, and friends who've been there from the beginning and love me for me. #grievingaparent #absenteefather #mentalhealthrecovery #breakingthecycle #creatinganewlegacy


My Progress in Managing Bipolar 1

15 years ago, I was just graduating college having recently been diagnosed with with bipolar 1. Many episodes later, after trying different lifestyles and meds, I have finally found my groove as a public sector accountant. I’m in a healthy marriage and have a good support system. I still get symptomatic from time to time, but bounce back a lot faster than I used to in my twenties. I am very thankful for the situation I am in now, but boy did I go through hell to get here!
Some of the strategies leading up to this stability phase:

1. Understanding what is me vs what is the bipolarized version me.

2. Implementing a regular schedule including exercise

3. Having a job with normalized stress patterns and work hours.

4. Good relationships

#mentalhealthrecovery #resilience #MentalHealthHero


How To Find Peace Of Mind

Peace of mind is achieved though patience, flexibility, forgiveness, and dealing with change positively. Learn and implement the tips from this article can help you heal from a troubled mind.

#Depression #Addiction #MentalHealth #Recovery #AddictionRecovery #mentalhealthrecovery #AnxietyTips #Anxiety


Peace of mind is achieved though patience, flexibility, forgiveness, and dealing with change positively. Learning and implementing the tips from this article will help you heal from a troubled mind.

#Depression #Addiction  #MentalHealth #Recovery #AddictionRecovery #mentalhealthrecovery #AnxietyTips #Recovery


How am I?

I’ve never felt OK, let alone felt good in my own skin. I’ve thought I would be miserable forever and I was just depressed and a constant ball of anxiety and anger, but, thankfully session after session with my therapist and reviews with psychiatrists I’ve finally been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (mood swings and signs of ptsd). This past 7-8 years of being treated for depression and anxiety and trying new medication after medication feeling like a test dummy. I’m hoping this is a good fix and i’m already starting to feel better having an explanation for ALOT Of things in my life up until this point. Good things are coming I feel it ❤️✨👀🗣 #believeinyourself #sappy #mentalhealthrecovery