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Scared of getting a job

Tips for when you are scared to get a job or have been isolated a while? Want to stop or accept/work on job anxiety being able to handle the training and keep a job #Job #Anxiety #help #Shame #question #improve #depredsion

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Ending the Mental Health Stigma in Society

At one time, mental health institutions were like prisons, and the mentally ill were hidden in basements. Now, we see and hear open discussions about caring for our mental health on social media and television. Great strides have been made and great strides are yet to come. What would you like to see improve? How might we improve it?

This platform is one way. There are movies that help and movies that hurt the progression of mental health awareness. "Inside Out" was a great one. The Netflix series "13 Reasons Why" is controversial. So, I'd say I hope for more forms of entertainment to tie in educational aspects of ending the stigma. That's one thing to improve. Actors and Olympians are also great spokespersons for our cause. What else can you think of?

#mentalheathawareness #Depression #Bipolar #Parenting #EndTheStigma #MentalHealth #Anxiety #SuicidePrevention #Therapy #improve #Hope #progress #BPD #Disability #Schizophrenia #OCD #EatingDisorder #Bulimia #ChronicIllness #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar2 #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADD #Autism #Aspergers #SuicideAwareness #Society


#improve my groove!

Hi Julia Happy Friday y'all.
I'm wanting to get my master's degree in Psych.

Perhaps I could better understand why some people are unkind to those of us who have some disabilities that are not immediately visible.

What do y'all think?
P.S. Yes, I am Southern.
Grace and Peace yall!!

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