#its been one hell of a night.so far I have spelt water every whare . I have sinus problems so I have to sleep or try to with my head elevated #There is the water issue some how I knock it over #Have Gerd, not all the time, but I do tonight . #Cant sleep, neck is bothering me also . # It’s a bad night.I do believe I started my day with fiberflare #This night sucks.So far this year sucks. # #keep waiting for my ship to show up # Kesha song 🚀 Space Ship #
I always knew that it didn't matter. O was taught at a young age to hide. My pain comes from within and has caused a multitude of unexplained physical issues.#Pain is real #keep being strong.
Added note: I am one of those that say, " no, I'm fine, really. Sorry to bother you with the reality"
My dog Motts, middle name, Applesauce says, “no matter how stormy the waters may be keep on paddling, you will get to your destination eventually.”