Words cannot properly express how ridiculous my health is getting. After my ultrasound appointment yesterday (again as I have had many in my years of life trying to figure out why my stomach hurts so so much.).
Thanks to a gifted nurse we finally got a name put to my serious pain.
Yet again it is an instance where I have begged most doctors to help me but they all have brushed it off.
Apparently I have gallstones so much so that barely a trickle of things can get through.
It is caused by a medication I have been on for almost 10yrs.
When I was in fifth grade I had an ultrasound to try to figure out why my stomach hurt then too. I was 8 at the time. No answer until yesterday!
Funny that we cheered at this answer but one of the most common solutions to this being so very severe is to have my gallbladder completely removed.
*sniffle* I REALLY don't want another surgery but having all the severe pain symptoms that goes with this diagnoses, I am so so SOOOOO very ready to be rid of this particular suffering.
SO many instances I just keep assuming various pains are normal only to find out that my condition is the very worst it could be.
The average age for gallstones is 50+ years. And here I am at 29, though it started at 8 and worsened at 20ish years old.
My goodness my body is drowning in issues 😅 God bless this hot mess!!!
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