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When I was able to keep busy, I painted this on his door for my friend who is a Vikings fan. Can’t wait to feel creative again.


How are you coping in lockdown?

Can anyone recommend something different to do in lockdown besides watching films, sleeping, cleaning, reading and YouTube, running out of ideas now, any tips /ideas will be gratefully appreciated. #newideas #InvisibleIllness #ideas #Lockdown #keepingbusy #tipstokeepmindbusy #Tips

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Any self-care journals?

I’m thinking of making a self-care / mental health journal, as a way to keep myself busy and work on my mental health at the same time.

I want to include my goals and keep track of their progress, a guide for a bad anxiety day and depression day, a page of things I can do to keep busy, include in my daily routine etc.

I would love suggestions! If you have something similar let me know what works for you, or what you would recommend I include. Anything and everything you think would be useful to add, please leave all your thoughts 🌞

#Selfcare #Journal #Anxiety #Depression #dailyroutine #keepingbusy

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Good Morning Chatties #ItsWednesdayIthink #Maybe?

Pedro is wagging his tail to say Hi
It is going like mad but you cant see it 🐾🐶 shame I cant show a video

So how are you today? What have you been doing to keep yourself busy? Have you been working or out in the garden. Maybe you have been baking or doing a hobbyist of some sort and you can share with us in ChatSpace what you do!!!

Me I've been laying on the sofa doing nothing!!!! Literally nothing.
Ha ha
Reserving my strength for a mammoth cupcakes making session tomo for VE day and a neighbours on Friday.

It is a national Bank holiday on Friday and my little community are having a Social distancing street party of sorts.

To celebrate a birthday and VE day. Victory in Europe 75th anniversary.

So I'm making 48 cupcakes and piping icing tomo. 🧁🧁🧁🧁

So tell me what you are doing.

Love n hugs Tj
Pepper says 'oof too 🐾🐶❤🤗😁😅😋😃🙋‍♀️😏
#Chatspace #Talking #venting #SpaceForYou #Bekind #loveyourself #checkonyourneighbours #Kindness #Lovenhugs #nojudgement #Rantaway #PedronPepper #DogsRbest #baking #hobbies #keepingbusy #JustChatting #SocialDistancingStreetParty #VEday #75thAnniversary

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Trying to keep busy, keep my kids on a routine. Everyone is saying I don't need to keep everything so extra and just relax. I personally need everything on my routine. This not being able to go to work already has me a mess. My routine helps me so much and now I'm trying so hard to instantly set a new one. Four kids, three of which are in school so doing their work with me. My husband works overnights 8 nights in a row and then is off 6. I've got things flowing so nicely right now, I just don't want him messing up our routine 😭 This is just a random vent more than anything