Today was a very hard day, my 15 year old daughter told me it is too hard to see me in person because of my health stuff (respirator, braces, splints, cane, etc), it is a reminder of what she lost, she just wants the old me back. Me too. She wants to do video chat, texts and phone calls because then it’s just like the old me. 😔 I get it, I can see her perspective, but it still hurts. I have also lost several friends over the last few days. I spent 38 years putting everyone else’s needs ahead of my own, but now that I am being “selfish” by literally taking care of my health and choosing not to die people are cutting me out. I am a reminder that life is fragile and if this can happen to me, it could happen to them. I did not choose to be sick, I did not choose to have my endocrine system fail, have genetic disorders or autoimmune diseases, but I am being punished for them, treated as if I must have done something wrong to deserve them. I cannot live without my respirator and distancing. Bloodwork shows my immune system is seriously impaired and even if infection doesn’t kill me a mast cell or adrenal crisis could. It also means I can’t get immunized. This is my reality, likely forever. I have been asked why I would even want to live. But… this popped up on my watch today, a reminder of how hard I have and continue to work to stay alive and as healthy as I can. I do 1 hour on the trike, 30-45 min dog walk and 45 mins of stretches everyday. For over 550 days in a row now, it would be over 1000, but I missed my goal by 40 calories one day a few years back. lol. I’m really proud of this. Despite chronic pain, dizziness, exhaustion, surgery and other challenges my physical health has always been a priority. Being physically active has helped me manage my pain, keep as much mobility as I can and keep my mental health good. I’m choosing to focus on this win today, not my losses. Life is always more good than bad. For 1250 days I pushed through and made my health a priority and that is a warrior. #AddisonsDisease #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #MastCellActivationDisorder #RaynaudsDisease #Asthma #MitochondrialDisease #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PTSD #CeliacDisease #Kids #Abunchofrarediseases