This last month has been a roller coaster ride for me. My RA has been giving me fits and to top it off my electrolytes keep getting out of wack. I’m on Simponi infusions every 8 weeks, have hyperthyroidism, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, PsA, thrombocytopenia and heart problems. I’m fused from C-3 to T-1 and L3 to S1. I need a hip replacement and that is not possible due to my severe osteoporosis so my rheumatologist is starting me on Prolea my next infusion at the end of June. I just had an injection in my left hip to try to help alleviate some of the pain but the general anesthesia caused all kinds of havoc with my heart and a trip to the ER for chest pain. I have had two stints placed and still have a 50 % blockage in the LAD that they did not stint because it needed to be @ 70%. I’ve finally been able to reverse the electrolyte imbalance which helped with some of the spasms and bone pain but the anxiety I have from all the above is going to throw me completely over the edge lately. I have two bad heart valves. I’m so tired of being sick and tied and not being able to do the things I want to do. I’m a retired ER/ ICU nurse so idle time has never been in my vocabulary. I’m going insane here. I haven’t posted in a long time I’m more of a reader and do pray for each of you daily. I just feel so lonely here. Just needed to vent that’s all. I appreciate your time if you read this far 😁 #Anxiety
#Hip bone on bone