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Lithium Carbonate, Semisodium Valproate, Quetiapine and Mirtazapine 💊 #BipolarDisorder #Medication

It’s a heavy arsenal of Psych Meds I have accumulated wouldn’t you say? But this is the thing that you have to accept. Bipolar Disorder is an absolute Tyrant that has to be silenced. I’m lucky to have found a balance now it seems. I had to persist with my psychiatrist and justify to him why I wanted to be prescribed Lithium as well as the other meds. I was functioning before the lithium was introduced. I wasn’t showing any cause for concern so to speak so my psychiatrist was happy with my condition. However, I knew something wasn’t quite right with me. So I spoke to the Psychiatric Pharmacist at Mountcroft and explained to her about how things were and my thoughts. I’d done my research and put together my notes to show what the problem was, my hypothesis on the next step and then my justification for it and my conclusion. I wasn’t telling anyone how to do their job, I was just giving them the best explanation of how I felt. The pharmacist concurred with my proposal so it went back to my psychiatrist and he authorised my prescription. I’m also on Ramipril so there’s concerns for that raising lithium levels in the blood and causing toxicity. However, as I was already on the ramipril, the introduction of lithium could be boosted by it meaning that I may only need a lower dose than usual to hit the therapeutic zone.

I makes you wonder though doesn’t it. Before the medication, before the psychiatric appointments, before the self harming, before the psychosis, before the mania, before the depression, when you are yourself and not labelled or diagnosed with this or that, you didn’t feel comfortable and felt that you weren’t like the other people around you. So you don’t know what to do. Social pressures and society can then push you further down the rabbit hole. After you break and go to the doctor, they don’t put you back together as you were. You are remodelled, your brain chemistry altered by drug after drug after drug to become someone that looks like you, but isn’t really you?!? #BipolarDisorder #lithium #Depakote #Quetiapine #Mirtazapine



Has anyone done well on this med? A small dose helps my depression but I am wondering if it okay to be on long term and why it isn't as commonly prescribed? I take in conjunction with lexapro. Can I it help with anxiety Any? Any feedback (positive please) is appreciated! #Mirtazapine #remeron #Medication #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth

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Quetiapine: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle?💊 🧩 #BipolarDisorder #Psychosis #Depression

I started Quetiapine along with the Depakote and Mirtazapine I am currently taking.

Hopefully it will be the missing piece to the puzzle regarding the controlling the severity of the bipolar swings. The Mirtazapine I’m on already is an antidepressant that obviously gives you a lift.

With bipolar however, that alone exaggerates the episodes of bipolar you have, so you introduce a mood stabiliser to put the brakes on, which for me is the Depakote.

The exact mode of action isn’t yet known as to why Sodium Valproate works for Bipolar patients. The most plausible explanation is that by slowing down the GABA receptors in the brain, the episodes become less intense and manageable. From my personal experience, I felt no different in myself and I didn’t notice that I had any improvement in the clarity of my thoughts. What I can say about the effect is that when I was looking back at my mood diary I had kept for the psychiatrist, my entries and effort to explain myself in the writings deteriorated until I stopped writing anything at all. This was over a period of 6 months. So it had slowly calmed my erratic behaviour but also stifled my expression.

Finally, I get to the point where I am now. When you are in a manic phase, you need a sedative to bring you back down. The high is either brought down by something pulling it down or by it’s expiration of energy and the crash landing from the free fall. Neither one of these methods is that pleasant. As your brain is going slower due to the mood stabiliser, the climbing in to mania is for me, more like a creeping on your tip toes than a climb. You can feel that you are on the peripheral and as this knot of anxiety/worry/shame/guilt et al is just gathering energy bit by bit. This is a major cause of agitation and irritability, poor sleep etc. for me. This is where the introduction of Quetiapine will come in to play by keeping the manic phases in check. Keeping me in the safe zone just as Mirtazapine is doing in a “Bipolar” 😜 kinda way 👌
#Quetiapine #Mirtazapine #Depakote

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Quetiapine: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle? 🧩 #Quetiapine #Mirtazapine #Depakote

Today, after an appointment with my GP, it’s been agreed that I start Quetiapine along with the Depakote and Mirtazapine I am currently taking.

Hopefully it will be the missing piece to the puzzle regarding the controlling the severity of the bipolar swings. The Mirtazapine I’m on already is an antidepressant that obviously gives you a lift. With bipolar however, that alone exaggerates the episodes of bipolar you have m, so you introduce a mood stabiliser to put the brakes on, which for me is the Depakote. By slowing down the GABA receptors this makes the episodes less intense. Finally, you then get to the point where when you are in a manic phase, you need a sedative to bring you back down. As your brain is going slower due to the mood stabiliser, this can cause agitation and irritability, poor sleep etc. This is where the introduction of Quetiapine will come in to play by restricting the levels of mania you reach.

This is my understanding of the problem anyway. I hope I’m right
#RapidCyclingBipolarDisorder #Depakote #Mirtazapine #Quetiapine


I have put on weight with mirtazapine (30 mg) I also take 20 mg of Paxil. Does anyone know if I have to come right of mirtazapine to lose the weight?



Experience with Remeron/mirtazapine

Anyone taking Remeron aka mirtazapine? When my dose was increased from 45mg to 60mg I had horribly intense panic attacks and so I went back down to 45mg and later down to 30mg where I've stayed for a few weeks now. Anxiety is worse than before I messed with the dosages. I'm wondering if 30mg is too low a dose for anxiety. Thoughts?
#PanicAttacks #Anxiety #remeron #Mirtazapine

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Medication Time #Medication #medicationmanagement #BipolarDepression

This is a weekly ritual that I used to loath. Hated it. Was ashamed of it. I’m not anymore. Even though I have been prescribed more medication, I’ve found belief in myself that if I can function with the aid of these little pills, my chemical composition isn’t too far away from being in equilibrium 🤞 These daily dose boxes are a god send too as I was always unsure if I had/hadn’t taken my meds 💊 #MentalIllnessStigma #BipolarDepression #Depakote #Mirtazapine #ramipril


Has anyone had any experience with Clomipramine (Anafranil)?

I have just been advised that the next medication my psychiatrist thinks i should try is Clomipramine which is a tricyclic antidepressant. I have had no positive effects from any other of my antidepressants over the past 4 years. She thinks i potentially have Obssesive Compulsive Disorder which had previously been put down as part of my mixed personality disorder. I have been on Mirtazapine before which is a tetracyclic anyidepressant and had a very bad experience. I was almost unwakeable from sleep and zoned out and couldn’t live properly. I am scared of a similar experience with Clomipramine so wanted to ask what other’s experiences are. #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Anxiety #Depression #OCD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsivePersonalityDisorder #mixedpersonalitydisorder #PersonalityDisorders #PTSD #clomipramine #Mirtazapine #Antidepressants #tricyclicantidepressant #Anafranil


How I defeated clinical depression in 10 days #Depression #BrainFog #Brain zaps #Suicide #Fasting #Antidepressants #Keto #withdrawal #duloxetine #Mirtazapine

Iv been diagnosed with depression since I was 28 Now Iam 40 years old still taking bloody medication. If I forget to take it for 1 day the depression hits me hard. Iam dependant on these prescribed drugs mirtazapine and duloxetine To function normally.
Anyway as you get to 40 you realise you have gained excess body fat,toxins are stored in your bodyfat.
I heard about fasting through several friends to detoxify the body and change into a ketogenic state so your body uses fat as primary source of fuel instead of carbohydrates.
A 3 day fast is recommended for a good detox and to regenerate new cell growth amongst other things. My first attempt I could only do 2 days. Then I succumbed to a chocolate coated digestive biscuit Hahaha.
I left it a few month and tried again 2.5 days.
Left it another few months and this now being my 3rd attempt passed the milestone of 3 days. Now the benefits of fasting don’t happen until you get past 3 days.
So I kept going I got to 9 days with not eating and only consuming 2 litres of water per day along with 2 multivitamins once in morning once in evening as lots of water flush vitamins and minerals out of your system so you have to keep replenish them.
The first day is always the hardest 2nd day Not is bad. But after 3 days it’s just normal you could go on forever if you wanted to.
So why am I talking about fasting to lose excess body fat well that was only reason for me to fast before I would rejoin the gym.
Except something happened whilst I was fasting that I did not expect. In my later days of my fasting I no longer felt I had depression life felt good I didn’t feel weighed down. The medicine was overwhelming me after 10 mins I would stagger up to bed so i reduced it down to half. I was still drowsy after taking my meds before bed so I decided to do something that was a huge risk.
I stopped my meds completely all was good go 4 days after my fast had stopped I was making delicious omelettes and cooking nutritious food.
Then the withdrawal effects kicked in I could no longer eat, I had an amazing sense of smell my house smelled awful the slightest smell of food made me vomit I could not keep water down. I was waking up drenched in sweat suffering intense horrific nightmares. I was suffering brain fog and brain zaps.
In the past when I was doing insanity workout dvd and consuming lots of water it made me suicidal within 2 days as it basically got rid of my antidepressants out my system far too quickly too much water and exercise can be extremely bad for you I almost nearly ended my life at this point.
Now Iam off sick from work due to withdrawal effects from prescribed medication from 12 years of use. But the main thing is I don’t have Depression Iv freed myself from the meds and the illness.
After I was telling people about this one person advised that I should watch “the magic pill” on Netflix it’s about how keto diet cures illness.