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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Jessica. I'm here because I have been healing from PPPD/Vestibular Migraine/Dizziness after having a hysterectomy, covid, and severe SSRI withdrawal. I heard about this group from a co worker whose wife has found help with The Mighty.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Migraine #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #EatingDisorder #PPPD #VestibularMigraine #longcovid

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How do you stop dissasociating? How do you all ground yourselves again? It's been over a week now and I'm still mostly feeling unreal.

I had, for the first time, an episode of dissasociative amnesia. My Dad said something to me, and I can't remember what it was, but I lost my cool, threw my purse down and ran to my room and cried. And I don't even know why, because I can't recall anything. I hate it, I've never blanked like that, and I've never lost control of my emotions like that either. I'm just feeling so...lost.

Any advice to anchor me?


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First time with Covid

I'm on day 4 with covid and am hoping for some tips on how to get through this.

It seems to be flaring my fibro badly since last night and I'm considering taking narcotics it's so bad.

I'm keeping a close eye on vitals, especially oxygen rate. So far I'm okay. This is just really rough with all my other illnesses.

Any helps would be appreciated.

#PPPD Dizziness

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Gluten Free Bread Making?

Hello, I'm hoping I can get some help/opinions on trying to make gluten free bread.

I can't buy the gluten free bread in stores because of preservative sensitivities, so I'm stuck having to find the easiest way to make my own.

I've been going without for almost 3 years, but I just went through a horrible round of stomach flu and would have sold my greatest possession for a slice of toast!

With my chronic fatigue and fibro I have been looking at bread makers with gluten free settings, but would love advice or recipes if anyone has suggestions.

#PPPD Dizziness

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Health anxiety

Hello guys, its my first time posting here.
I've #Depression , #Hypochondriasis and #Anxiety .
It's been 3 years since i was diagnosed and I'm always struggling with symptoms, they can subside for a while but they never go away. I'm used to many symptoms but it's been few months and I'm feeling very dizzy, i feel like I'm gonna fall down or I'm not walking straight and I'm gonna fall on my right side, sometimes i feel dizzy even if I'm lying down or sitting and with dizzy spells my heart also sinks. I was freaked out at first and went to neurologist he said it's just #PPPD but I'm still not used to it and with every day i freak out because of this dizziness and my vision also go blurry and light sensitive. Is it really anxiety because I'm worried, i lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Happy Birthday grief

I spent my 34th birthday in the emergency room. That was last week. I'm still barely managing food and moving around. The depression is hitting hard, my mind is so tired of the fight to keep moving forward.
And yet, I will keep going.
Through nights full of ugly sobbing and pain so intense I can't sleep, through new symptoms that continually take bit by bit what little I still have left. I will stay, as long as I am able, until there is nothing left.
I don't know why this is my life. But it is mine, no matter how much worse it gets. And, I suppose faith is believing that there is a point, a purpose, a pivotal perception that will provide peace and understanding.
Someday I believe I'll understand. Until then, I'll cry and be sarcastic, make my family and friends cringe and laugh at my morbid humor, and try to let go of the idea that I'm entitled to more than I currently have, and accept what is mine in this moment.
Year 34 is starting out in a discouraging and heartbreaking place.
But hope tells me if I hold on, it will change and I will be stronger.
Please let me be right.

#PPPD Dizziness
#pvc or premature ventricular contractions

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Walker Advice

Well, I think I finally am to the breaking point where I need to get a walker. Cane isn't cutting it on bad days. Just hoping for advice on the best walker that has a seat so I can shuffle myself around if I can't put weight on my leg (as is often the case)
Kinda depressed about it. I was hoping to not ever need one, but such is life.

#PPPD Dizziness


Physical Therapy

Going to my 3rd round of physical therapy for Vestibular rehab. Having fibro is not helping. But mostly because I have no backbone to say "No, I can't do that," And push so hard that, a week later, I'm going in to therapy still flaring from last week.

I've been practicing what responses I can use. Please wish me luck on being able to speak up for myself.

Invisible illness makes it hard for me to say anything, because I get "the look".

"You're too young to have that problem"

"You look fine, I'm sure you're exaggerating."

"This is just an excuse not to work."

"It's all in your head."

I know, I'm putting thoughts in people's heads. But I know a disbelieving look when I see it. And it hurts enough that I have, and will, do anything (even send myself into a fibro flare) to not have to see it or deal with ignorant remarks.


Wish me luck.

Repeats mantra: "do not be a rug. do NOT be a rug!"

#PPPD Dizziness

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Look Ma, I got a new diagnosis!

Well, after two years of tests and 6 doctors later, I was given this slip of paper last week by a neurologist. Turns out I am a textbook case of PPPD. (Man that's a lot of Ps!)

Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness.

Ah, so that's why walls leap out at me.

All joking aside, it's nice to have a name to the beast, and now I've got options that will (hopefully) get me back to steady walking. And maybe even driving again!

One journey ends, now the work begins...again.

Good thing I've got a bucket load of health problems under my belt, or this might've seemed tedious. *insert wry smile*.

Keep on going fellow Mighties! Answers do happen. Eventually. 😅❤
