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Have you ever?

Have your ever felt like no one understands you?

Like you are alive but yet you feel like you are also dead

Have you ever tried to reach out or talk

But then, you are like 'nah, they won't get it'

Have you ever felt so anxious,

you masked it with ridiculously lame and 'weird' humour or sarcasm?

Just to make it look like you are super chill but you are really just nervous

Have you ever wanted to win a stranger's heart

By giving them random compliments or by trying to make them smile or laugh

Secretly thinking to yourself that this is exactly how you feel everyone should be and treat each other

Have you ever been so naive to ignore the bad in someone and focus solely on the positives and look at the good in everyone?

Have you ever been so foolish that you've tried to help and support or cheer up someone that has repeatedly hurt you and you know does not care about you and probably would not do the same in return? Yet, you do it anyways?

Have you ever just stared into space, zoned out and smile...

Imagining your perfect little dream world

Imagining Utopia

Have you ever been so naturally 'high' that people have assumed you drank or did drugs?

Have you ever felt happy inside but on the outside felt scared to express or show it because of well, so-called evil eye

Have you ever not believed in superstitions yet still been anxious and overthink your interactions due to them

Have you ever just been happy for no reason at all like a child

Have you ever... just spontaneously wrote a post like this without even thinking?

Impulsivity can be fun but it can be exhausting...

Humour can be fun but be tiring...

Good things come and go; it is okay to feel not okay and for bad times to also come, they also go.

Don't stop being you due to the bad moments or days

KEEP SMILING :) :) Your energy is contagious and is needed to make the world go round - YING YANG - hippie style

#modernhippie #hippiestyle #yingyang #loa #TheSecret #Energy #vibe #GoodVibes #smile #keepsmiling #haveyouever #justdoit #taketheinitiative #takerisks #risk #Risks #Impulsivity #spontaneous #bebold #bold #Brave #courage #strength #Independence #freedom #freedomwriters #resilience #Empathy #compassion #humanity #happyness #pursuitofhappyness #justlisten #listen #justobserve



I was craving a burger. So.. no gourmet burger but damn I had a racetrack hamburger on the way to the beach... I'm still alive 😱. Take a risk, sometimes it's necessary. 🍔🌈....
#Risks #beach #Food


How vulnerable your child’s online activity can be?

People are adjusting towards the new lifestyle of social distancing. This new way of life is an approach to flatten and eventually stop the spread of COVID19. There are alteration in daily activities to adapt to the social distancing lifestyle. One of the most significant adaptation is the usage of electronic devices. During this period of time, the main method to maintain social connection is through the web.

Children and teenagers are spending more time on electronic devices. They need to attend live virtual lessons, submit electronic homework, and socialising with friends. Thus, parents see the needs to loosen the boundaries on the usage of electronic devices. With loosen boundaries, kid's online activities are more vulnerable during lockdown period. Thus, this article list down the potential risks your kids may be facing on the web. Signs and symptoms on internet vulnerability are provided. Lastly, suggested interventions are listed to protect your child's online activities.

Inappropriate content
There is a lot of “inappropriate content” in the internet. Children can stumble on “inappropriate content” while searching facts for their homework. Exposure to inappropriate content without guidance and filter can lead to profound consequences.

Cyberbullying is prevalent in today’s world. Although children are making connection via social media, there's a risk for cyberbullying. Constant hostility facing by children can impact social emotions negatively.

Social Media/Gaming “Friends”
There are predators using social media to find children. They pretend to be your child's age, befriending and trying to gain your child's trust. Furthermore, they also try to groom your child to act according to their will.

Online scams
Online scams can come in various forms, such as emails and suspicious websites. Children are vulnerable to online scam as well. They may not have the skills to identify a scam in the internet. Scam may put you and your family in a financial difficulty.

Signs and Symptoms on Internet Vulnerability
- being emotionally upset during or after using the Internet or the phone
- being very secretive or protective of one's digital life
- withdrawal from family members and activities
- wanting to stop using the computer or cellphone
- being nervous or jumpy when getting an instant message, text, or email
- avoiding discussions about computer or cellphone activities

Ways to Protect Your Child's Online Activities
- Invest in parental control software
- Use a child-friendly browser that blocks websites unsuitable for kiddies.
- Check recent search/browser histories
- Placing your computer in a common area.
- Educate your kids about online safety.

In conclusion, you control how much your kids use the internet. Setting boundaries is still important! Have open communication with your kids about online activities

#COVID19 #onlineactivity #vulnerability #Children #Parenting #boundaries #SocialDistancing #Risks

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The risk of being candid about my mental health #Depression #Facebook #SocialMedia #MentalHealth

I've been candid about my battles with my depression and anxiety on Facebook with my friends and for the most part it's been received well. But I've learned that one if the risks of being open and vulnerable with my mental health is that people including family members can and will use it against you. I don't regret what I've been open about but it hurts knowing people see me as just my mental illness and feel it's OK to use it against me. #SocialMedia #MentalHealth #Facebook #BeingCandid #Risks