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#CheckInWithMe Poppy says hi 🐕👋🏼 #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #BackPain #SacroilliacJointPain #RheumatoidArthritis

Hi everyone 👋🏼 I know it’s been a few weeks and I wanted to see how everyone’s weekend was! Also wanted to show a picture of my sweet puppy, Poppy is 8 months & over 80lbs if you can believe it! She is the best part of my days and brings our family so much joy! She’s a social butterfly 🦋 who just absolutely loves everyone, especially little kids! She’s not happy until we’ve greeted every person in a 300ft radius at the park, she makes friends everywhere she goes! 🤣I love that about her! I wish you could all pet her soft head and watch her roll in the grass 🥰
I got a bone scan/PET scan about 3 weeks ago. Full with the radioactive junk they inject in your arm. I had to stay away from my Poppy for 2 days so I didn’t risk exposing her! I’m getting the results this week 🙏🏼Pain has been quite rough the past few days. It’s been hard to sleep, it’s 7am here in Phoenix and I’m just about to fall asleep. But doing the best I can each day like always ❤️
I just wanted to remind you my fellow Mighties that your best is good enough. That might look different each day and that’s ok, it does for me too! You’re going through a lot and handling it all with such grace. You’re a warrior!! Thanks for empowering me to be the same. Sending positivity your way this week 🙌🏼 Lindsay & Poppy 🐕 #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #BackPain #RheumatoidArthritis #Insomnia #Anxiety #MastCellActivationDisorder #sciatica

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Today’s inspiration for you 🤍 #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #BackPain #Insomnia #Anxiety

I needed to hear this today for myself so I thought I would share with you all this morning 🙏🏼 Sunday I had to have another PET/Bone Scan. The one where I had to get the radioactive substance injected & come back hours later, aka the real fun one 🙅🏼‍♀️
Idk if scans are painful for anyone else with pain due to the positioning? But they’re awful for me, having to lay my injured back flat. Gravity pulls down while I have to stay still, in so much pain, it’s not fun 🥺 I cried during the entire thing. My pains been flaring at a 9 since so I’m reading some helpful quotes to get me through. I need to share a new photo of my Poppy girl, she’s 8 months now and 80lbs!!! 🐕🎀Shes so sweet, loves people, attention, other dogs and kids! She wants to say hi to everyone 😇 Wish you could all rub her fuzzy head! Hope you can hang in there today, you’re doing great! 🙌🏼
#ChronicPain #BackPain #SacroilliacJointPain #SpinalStenosis #SpinalFusion #ChronicIllness #RheumatoidArthritis #MastCellActivationDisorder #Anxiety #Insomnia

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Another painful scan 😔 #ChronicPain #BackPain #Anxiety #RheumatoidArthritis

-Just had to get another MRI today for my back. Scans always cause a lot of breakthrough pain because of the positions they need😳 in the car recovering now.

-My gut instinct is telling me that there is either a screw problem/break again or a fracture. My pain is that severe & I can feel it. It feels like my back is broken everyday. I advocated for this scan and I’m grateful my surgeon trusts me and believes me.

-Last time my lumbar screw broke I knew it before my drs found it, because it couldn’t be seen on imaging. It was only when they went in surgically did they see the pedicle screw broken in half in caught in a nerve bundle.

-I’ve learned to always trust your instincts because we know our own bodies better than anyone. Praying this scan will give me answers so I can become closer to having some pain relief 🙏🏼 I will always keep pushing until I can find some answers for my injury and pain. I will always hope for the best for me and for you my friends! As always thank you for your support and for listening 🤍Hugs from Poppy girl and I 🐕
#ChronicPain #BackPain #sciatica #SacroilliacJointPain #RheumatoidArthritis #MastCellActivationDisorder #Anxiety #RaynaudsPhenomenon #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome

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Procedure update: Excruciating❌ #BackPain #ChronicPain #SacroilliacJointPain #sciatica #spinefracture #Backinjury #Chronicpainwarrior

Thank you so much for everyone who wished me well and sent their love for my back procedure today 🤍🙏🏼 I hope this day has found you as well as possible. I feel so lucky to have so much amazing support and a soft, safe place to land ❤️you all are such a blessing.

Most of us have been on a very long road with our health/illness/pain journeys and can handle a lot. I’ve had 5 spinal fusion/si joint surgeries and today was my 31st outpatient procedure. I was not nervous, anxious or scared for this today. I was quite hopeful and eager for good results.

I can say that aside from my fusion surgeries, this was THE most painful injection/outpatient procedure I’ve ever had‼️I was wailing, flailing, bawling and asked for more sedation (didn’t get it) because felt like complete torture and agonizing pain ❌ after it was done the pain kicked up over a ten (I almost never use a ten) and at this point I was panicked and engulfed by this pain.😢

They left me with a caprisun juice and walked away, couldn’t get anyone to address what was happening. I texted my mom and she contacted the office manager. Then I did get a small IV of a pain med but it didn’t touch the pain, it was that bad. I asked to go home, in the car I had to use my rescue meds and it still didn’t help the pain.

I’m icing and now in bed snuggling with my Poppy girl 🐕I can only pray this result means the dr is in the right place. I remain hopeful but more uneasy about his next treatment plan. I need a long term solution… I can’t keep getting these painful injections with no pain relief. I will recouperate and recalibrate and come up with my next game plan✊🏼I’ve come too far to stop now.

My heart goes out to everyone struggling today or feeling frustrated and exhausted. We’re all in this together ❤️🙏🏼 Thanks so much for listening my mighty friends 🤍 #ChronicPain #BackPain #sciatica #SacroilliacJointPain #spinefracture #FailedBackSurgery #Anxiety #RheumatoidArthritis #MastCellActivationDisorder

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Another procedure today! Wish me luck 🍀 #ChronicPain #BackPain

Hoping for the luck of the Irish ☘️ today for some pain relief for all of us🙏🏼… I’m having another outpatient procedure for my back again today, number 4 for this year and number 31 in all. Which coincidentally will be my age next week on my birthday 🎉 Good sign I’m hoping?!🤞🏼

I’ve been in so much pain this past week again, level 9s everyday. It feels like my
Back and Hip are going to snap off and break. I’m seeing a new anesthesiologist/doctor who my surgeon absolutely loves and I got really good vibes from 🙌🏼 Today is another #SacroilliacJointPain injection, not expecting miracles but always hoping for the best. I’ll kindly take any and all of your positive vibes🥰

Poppy girl is already 6 months and is the best girl🐕. She licks my tears when I’m in sos pain. This will be the second procedure she’s rode along for this year. I’m so much braver with her nearby and so lucky to be her fur mama! She’s so sweet and caring. I already can’t wait for her to great me after my procedure is done💖

Have a great St Pattys🍀everyone and if it’s not great, that’s ok too. Just do your best and remember you aren’t alone, none of us are 🙌🏼🙏🏼🤍 #ChronicPain #BackPain #SacroilliacJointPain #sciatica #FailedBackSurgery #RheumatoidArthritis #MastCellActivationDisorder #Anxiety #Insomnia #MightyPets

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Let whatever you do today be enough✨ #ChronicPain #BackPain #ChronicIllness #RheumatoidArthritis #Anxiety

Just wanted to remind you that you’ve been through a lot and I’m proud of you! Of how you all keep fighting for your self and your health. Whatever you can do today is enough. You’re enough!! I’m so grateful to this community of special people who make me feel so supported and uplifted ✨💫

Also my Poppy girl 🐕says hi! She’s 5 months old now, will post a new pic soon of us ❤️ Still waiting for my #RadiofrequencyAblation to help my #BackPain but right now it’s a bit brutal🙅🏼‍♀️
Thank you for checking in with me🤍

Hang in there everyone, I know I will be doing my best 🙌🏼🙏🏼 #RheumatoidArthritis #MastCellActivationDisorder #ChronicMigraines #Insomnia #Anxiety #Backinjury #sciatica #DegenerativeDiscDisease #RaynaudsPhenomenon #SacroilliacJointPain #SpinalFusion

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Procedure day! #ChronicPain #BackPain #Anxiety

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. ✨

Had another procedure today! After 30+ procedures I’m a bit drained. But I know I’m close, Im not going to stop pushing or trying until I can get some pain relief & feel more like myself again! 💁🏼‍♀️ sending you all virtual hugs, positivity, strength & love! ❤️

#ChronicPain #BackPain #RheumatoidArthritis #ChronicIllness #sciatica #SacroilliacJointPain #MastCellActivationDisorder #Anxiety #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Pain

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Comparison is the thief of joy ✨ #ChronicPain #BackPain #Anxiety #ChronicIllness #MastCellActivationDisorder

I heard this Theodore Roosevelt’s quote again the other day & it really resonated with me. We can’t always choose what happens to us and sometimes it doesn’t seem like a fair shake. It can be really hard for us with health struggles, both mental health/physical health, to get through the day sometimes or keep going at all. 🙏🏼

I didn’t know how I was going to make it through last year but I’m so glad I did. It’s hard some days for me not to compare or think what my life would be like without these challenges with my injury, pain & illness. It’s ok to think about it occasionally as long as I don’t stay there. 🙌🏼

My Poppy girl is the light of my days ✨ no matter what my health challenges are. I’m so thankful I have found joy again with her. She’s my best friend and makes me have a purpose again 🐕❤️✨

I’m here to listen if you ever need a friend. And I hope you can find some joy in your days, whatever that may be 😊
#ChronicPain #BackPain #RheumatoidArthritis #MastCellActivationDisorder #ChronicIllness #Anxiety #ChronicFatigue #Migraine #sciatica #SacroilliacJointPain

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We are strong 💪🏼 #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness

Found this online today and wanted to share!
I needed to hear this today ❤️ We are doing our best every day to fight our battles, we are warriors, you are a warrior! Sending lots of love and light to you all!✨🙌🏼🙏🏼 Also Poppy is sending you extra puppy love 🐕💖 #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #BackPain #RheumatoidArthritis #SacroilliacJointPain #Sacroiliacjointfusion #SpinalFusion #SpinalStenosis #MastCellActivationDisorder #Anxiety #Insomnia #Migraine possible #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome

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My “Why” #princesspoppy #ChronicPain #BackPain #ChronicIllness #RheumatoidArthritis

It’s about 5am Az time and I’m up exhausted but in so much pain I can’t get comfortable. The past few days have been super bad with pain and a little emotional. I had a breakdown today and called my Grandma sobbing from my car, she always helps me feel better. Last week I found out I needed another CT scan, another outpatient procedure and possibly more. The more part was scary but I’m not there yet 🙏🏼

I felt guilty for not being able to get to the Post Office and mail a package, something normal!!
I felt guilty for the help I needed to get up from the bathroom floor after giving my Poppy girl a bath today. I also felt guilty for not walking her today, first day in a little while that I wasn’t able to push through.😕

But what I realized is that she was just as happy playing with her new mini pink soccer ball in the backyard with me. She just wanted to spend time with me 💖She licked my tears until I laughed and threw the ball again. On the days I can’t give 100% for myself, I give it to my sweet Princess Poppy girl 🐕👑She’s my driving force and my why!! Sending hugs to you all ✨

#ChronicPain #BackPain #sciatica #SacroilliacJointPain #RheumatoidArthritis #MastCellActivationDisorder