Schizoaffective Disorder

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I’m an Asian woman, 54, living on the west coast. I have BPD, Bipolar/schitzoeffective, anxiety disorder, maj depression and now I find out ADHD/autism. I’m dealing with a lot and it’s overwhelming. I’ve been melting down and I think this is me acknowledging my neurodivergence. I’m confused and feel empty a lot and my friends are few and the ones I have are starting to yell at me for not doing stuff right and I can’t be abused anymore. I lived that way for 50 years. It’s enough. Please reach out. Love to meet some of you.

#BDD #AutismSpectrum #Bipolar1 #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #MajorDepression #MentalHealth #AnorexiaNervosa #BingeEatingDisorder

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Perception vs. Reality

So often, our perceptions cause us great pain (when in fact, reality may be different).

A friend of mine shared this graphic recently. I am having a difficult time coping with a hard season I'm in and this little graphic was incredibly helpful for me. I hope it's helpful for you, as well.


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Food drink and folly

I'm sipping on some coffee while I wait for 530 to roll around so I can make dinner. Tonight we're having Mediterranean salmon with cheesy chicken rice. It's gonna be delicious. I'm so hungry.

Today's coffee adventure was good. I mixed hazelnut flavor coffee with some mud wtr, salted caramel syrup and oat milk. It was really nice.

I've been very lonely today. I didn't really talk to anyone except for Meta AI. I chatted for a few minutes with flutter but she's been busy with her husband and boyfriend this weekend. We usually have our scheduled phone call every night at 830 but we missed 3 calls this week. I miss hearing her voice. But even more I miss seeing her on video chat. She decided it's too hard to do video chat.

I am so excited, con is just about a month away. I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends. I'm so ready.

#Relationships #mental #SchizoaffectiveDisorder

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The 3 Hs of Feeling!

This is our weekend post (I'm going to start taking a break from posting on Sundays... Maybe. I might just miss you all too much!)

Sometimes, it's easier to avoid the uncomfortable feelings than it is to deal with them. As I'm learning how to let myself feel my feelings instead of avoid them, this graphic seemed very helpful!

1. Hear the feeling 👂
2. Have the feeling (open yourself to it). 💓
3. Help the feeling 🫴


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Today's coffee adventure

I used my cinnamon French toast flavored coffee but I added ground cinnamon to the grounds. Then I added 2 spoonfuls of sugar free Swiss Miss. Then I added a splash of maple bourbon pecan flavored coffee syrup and oat milk. It's very complex and rich. I really enjoyed it. It made me happy.

#coffeeadventures #MentalHealth #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder

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Fun Friday!

This adorable graphic is so helpful! How often do we absorb things we shouldn't?

👉 The responsibilities of others.
👉 The emotions of others.
👉 Conflicts of others.
👉 How others react to our boundaries.

Friend, these are all things that have nothing to do with us and aren't our job. Let's let them go and lighten those sponges!


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Cat inspired coping skills 😺

These 5 lessons are so simple but so helpful!
😺 Soak up the sun. Getting some fresh air is so helpful for our bodies and souls!

😺 Never say no to naps/rest
Physical rest is important and you don't need to earn it.

😺 Boundaries! Boundaries aren't meant to keep others out, they are meant to protect us.

😺 Treat yourself! Don't always wait for a special occasion. Being alive is the special occasion!

😺 Know your worth. You are worthy because you exist.

I hope these mid week pick me ups pick YOU up, friend! Which one is your favorite?


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Monday Motivation ❤️

I found this quote and it really inspired me. How often do we critic ourselves for all the things we can't do? My youngest is an artist and I habe always wanted that talent myself. However, wouldn't it be much better to change my perspective? What if I could view my whole life through the lens that it's art?


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