Just ended a 7 yr relationship with the best thing to ever happen to me, my parents begged me not to screw this up. But i did, boy it the most ultimate of classic whitney fuck ups. Thanksgiving week, holidays, she's moving out this time, we have a grandbaby boy, 7 yrs worth of building our house, the amazing relationships she had with my family and I hers. I left a trail of mass destruction....but this rock botton reality check had to happen. She needs space right now and i owe it to her, ill stay in our which is technically mine anyway, but i have no coping skills, never lived alone, and the most amazing parents with the resources to allow me work part time, pay only a cell phone bill, with my girl and automatic debits to the house ago, no car payment, no house payment. Everyone has feared this would happen and my ability to survive and function. I'm not going back to that pit, I'm taking full responsibility and going back in head first, and put up one hell of a fight. We are great, excellent terms and if i am able to become a bad ass independent woman, for myself, my parents, and for the love of my life, this entire miserable journey can turn 180° around. Our story isn't over, and mine is just beginning. I got all the best docs, therapists, treatments, and support system.
"There's a million things I haven't done, just you wait."