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Need a smile?

We have a new tradition. Ann puts on bunny ears and runs around giving smiles all day. She loves people and we love her. #servicedogintraining #Fibromyalgia #CPTSD #MedicalTrauma #HappyEaster #TryNotToSmile

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Dealing with divorce

Hey y’all! I recently found out that my parents are separating, and I will be bouncing between houses and all of that. I was wondering if you guys had any tips and things like that, because I am not handling it super well. Of course both my physical and mental health are all over the place now, so that’s fun. Thank you so much in advanced! #BipolarDepression #Depression #Divorce #LivingWithPOTS #POTSLife #Potsie #DepressiveDisorders #centeralline #Hospital #servicedogintraining #ServiceDog #help #Mentalillnessfeelslike #MentalHealth #boarderline #erlinePersonalityDisorderBPD #BP #osgoodschlatter #ChronicPain #EDSAwareness #HypermobileTypeEDS #EhlersDanlosSyndrome


Hi I’m Kiya

I just wanted to introduce myself, as previously said I am Kiya (pronounced key-ya), Im only 14 but facing a lot. Here’s where the hashtags come I have #SomaticSymptomandRelatedDisorders I am #LGBTQ + and I have #Anxiety as well as #Dermatillomania and #Depression . There’s so many more but frankly I’m exhausted from (oh here’s more) #ChronicPain and #Fatigue I’m not diagnosed with any fatigue disorder. I’ve delt with so much in my life in the short time I’ve lived so far and I’m so thankful to have my #servicedogintraining to help, but right now he’s 5 months and is really overwhelming. I’m a really positive person, today I don’t feel positive, that is okay!!!! Not feeling emotions or not processing then is what is causing all of my symptoms (somatic symptom disorder) that’s what the doctors say. I don’t believe them though, I understand that I like everyone don’t process 100% of my emotions, but my whole life my mom has taught me that not feeling emotions won’t make them go away and that won’t help. The only problem is the the first doctors who really believe me are the somatic symptom clinic, and guess what, every time I try to say that I think there’s more I get asked by the psychiatrist “I think you may have illness anxiety” (thinking that you’re sick when you’re not) or “do you feel scared of touching serfaces or objects for fear of getting sick?” (Contamination OCD) as well ask almost outright saying we think that you’re lying and don’t believe you. All of those things basically say ‘you’re lying’. And so now I have fear of saying anything for fear of being called a hypochondriac. I’m sorry for this long and saddening post, I just feel horrible physically emotionally and mentally.


Hi I’m Kiya

I just wanted to introduce myself, as previously said I am Kiya (pronounced key-ya), Im only 14 but facing a lot. Here’s where the hashtags come I have #SomaticSymptomandRelatedDisorders I am #LGBTQ + and I have #Anxiety as well as #Dermatillomania and #Depression . There’s so many more but frankly I’m exhausted from (oh here’s more) #ChronicPain and #Fatigue I’m not diagnosed with any fatigue disorder. I’ve delt with so much in my life in the short time I’ve lived so far and I’m so thankful to have my #servicedogintraining to help, but right now he’s 5 months and is really overwhelming. I’m a really positive person, today I don’t feel positive, that is okay!!!! Not feeling emotions or not processing then is what is causing all of my symptoms (somatic symptom disorder) that’s what the doctors say. I don’t believe them though, I understand that I like everyone don’t process 100% of my emotions, but my whole life my mom has taught me that not feeling emotions won’t make them go away and that won’t help. The only problem is the the first doctors who really believe me are the somatic symptom clinic, and guess what, every time I try to say that I think there’s more I get asked by the psychiatrist “I think you may have illness anxiety” (thinking that you’re sick when you’re not) or “do you feel scared of touching serfaces or objects for fear of getting sick?” (Contamination OCD) as well ask almost outright saying we think that you’re lying and don’t believe you. All of those things basically say ‘you’re lying’. And so now I have fear of saying anything for fear of being called a hypochondriac. I’m sorry for this long and saddening post, I just feel horrible physically emotionally and mentally.

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Merry Christmas to me ❤️ #Puppylove #servicedogintraining

Got a new baby this year ❤️ she’s my love ❤️ Gonna be training her to be a service dog for me. so excited to have her home finally ❤️❤️❤️


tadeo and training #servicedogintraining #gettingmyvlifeback

okay so training went well he did what he was supposed to do...I think this will work very excited about this!!!