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Thankful Thursday!

It's that time of the week again! Gratitude is one of the best mental health hacks out there. It does wonders for your brain & moods. What are a few things you can put in the comments that you're thankful for? Big or small 🙃
#PTSD #ADHD #MentalHealth #Addiction #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Lupus #SjogrensSyndrome #Schizophrenia #Depression #Migraine #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD

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Thankful Thursday!

It's that time of the week again! Gratitude is one of the best mental health hacks out there. It does wonders for your brain & moods. What are a few things you can put in the comments that you're thankful for? Big or small 🙃
#PTSD #ADHD #MentalHealth #Addiction #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Lupus #SjogrensSyndrome #Schizophrenia #Depression #Migraine #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD

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The Shepherdess Keeps Watch By Melanie R.

The Shepherdess Keeps Watch
By Melanie R.

In darkness deep and shadows cold;
shepherdess stands, brave and bold.
A chosen instrument of the Lord,
by His Holy Word.
Thought of like David, last, but not least.
With strength and courage;
Power to teach.

A guardian now,
for His flock;
for His kin.
Holy Spirit’s light flowing from within!

Faithful prayer and intercession,
She’s trained for this intention:
To watch and care,..
trust His way
The Lord's own sheep…
His legacy.

Filled with Spirit’s Holy Might.
Covers in darkness;
Covers the night.
The shepherdess keeps watch-

No enemy gets by.

For like a shepherd,
God is near,
To lead us to pastures green,
calm waters clear-
He carries us in His loving arms,
keeping His sheep from harm.

Isaiah 40:11
He will feed His flock like a shepherd.
He will gather His lambs with His arms;
And carry them in His bosom.

John 10:11-12
I am The Good Shepherd!
The Good Shepherd lays down
His life for His Sheep.

#MightyPoets #MitochondrialDisease #SjogrensSyndrome #AutoimmuneImmunodeficiency #ChronicIllness #ChronicInflammatoryDemyelinatingPolyneuropathy #ChronicPain

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The Shepherdess Keeps Watch By Melanie R.

The Shepherdess Keeps Watch
By Melanie R.

In darkness deep and shadows cold;
shepherdess stands, brave and bold.
A chosen instrument of the Lord,
by His Holy Word.
Thought of like David, last, but not least.
With strength and courage;
Power to teach.

A guardian now,
for His flock;
for His kin.
Holy Spirit’s light flowing from within!

Faithful prayer and intercession,
She’s trained for this intention:
To watch and care,..
trust His way
The Lord's own sheep…
His legacy.

Filled with Spirit’s Holy Might.
Covers in darkness;
Covers the night.
The shepherdess keeps watch-

No enemy gets by.

For like a shepherd,
God is near,
To lead us to pastures green,
calm waters clear-
He carries us in His loving arms,
keeping His sheep from harm.

Isaiah 40:11
He will feed His flock like a shepherd.
He will gather His lambs with His arms;
And carry them in His bosom.

John 10:11-12
I am The Good Shepherd!
The Good Shepherd lays down
His life for His Sheep.

#MightyPoets #MitochondrialDisease #SjogrensSyndrome #AutoimmuneImmunodeficiency #ChronicIllness #ChronicInflammatoryDemyelinatingPolyneuropathy #ChronicPain

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I had asked about #SjogrensSyndrome previously and someone responded with a link to a very helpful website.
I really suspect Sjögren's. I had 2 antibody tests, twice, and both times they were negative. My ESR was negative. My highly sensitive CRP came back slightly elevated. I have #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome and #EhlersDanlosSyndrome hypermobile type, so, having Sjögren's wouldn't be unusual. For those who've finally received a Sjögren's diagnosis, how long did it take and how were you diagnosed?

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I had asked about #SjogrensSyndrome previously and someone responded with a link to a very helpful website.
I really suspect Sjögren's. I had 2 antibody tests, twice, and both times they were negative. My ESR was negative. My highly sensitive CRP came back slightly elevated. I have #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome and #EhlersDanlosSyndrome hypermobile type, so, having Sjögren's wouldn't be unusual. For those who've finally received a Sjögren's diagnosis, how long did it take and how were you diagnosed?

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Hi! Does anyone here have #SjogrensSyndrome ? I had a blood test for it, which came back negative. I know it does not always show up in the blood, though. How did you receive your diagnosis? What are your main symptoms? I already have #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome and #EhlersDanlosSyndrome hypermobile type, so, it wouldn't unusual to have #SjogrensSyndrome

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Hi! Does anyone here have #SjogrensSyndrome ? I had a blood test for it, which came back negative. I know it does not always show up in the blood, though. How did you receive your diagnosis? What are your main symptoms? I already have #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome and #EhlersDanlosSyndrome hypermobile type, so, it wouldn't unusual to have #SjogrensSyndrome

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactions 5 reactions 3 comments