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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is lavenderbubbles I'm here looking for more support and connections from people who go through the same as me. I feel very tired, isolated and hopeless sometimes, so I hope this place can alleviate a few of these feelings.

#MightyTogether #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Arrhythmia #Dysautonomia #Asthma #HypermobilitySyndrome #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Migraine #ChronicPain #Undiagnosed

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Anyone followed this course - Does it Work?

Yesterday a friend recommended this course to me - she insists it holistic and new. I will follow this weekend and hopefully its helpful to others as well - still free - www.udemy.com/course/new-science-holistic-wellness-solution-... #Holistic #Pain #Undiagnosed #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorder #MentalHealth #mighty

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Life update

Hey I know it’s been a while since I posted. A lot had happened so far and I’m scared and I just need people to talk to who get it.

First thing is first I am no longer on college campus. I went to college for the first couple of days I pushed myself and I ended up having my paralysis and muscle weakness episodes so I couldn’t even attend class. I’ve been at home ever since getting my bachelors with GCU online. We still don’t have an answer for the episodes

Because I couldn’t be in college campus anymore I now go to doctors appointments in New York that my auntie takes me to do we can look for an answer. I’ve seen a nurse practitioner in neurology and I got a MRI to look st the structure of my brain and a EEG to look for seizures both came out normal. I’ve also seen a cardiologist who tested me with a heart monitor which came out normal. I am waiting for an appointment with the neurologist but we keep having set backs. But I am getting somewhere and they have all been lovely and I’m more than greatful for my auntie.

As I’ve been home I’ve also been continuing with therapy online. Apparently when I was getting tested for Autism they also tested for OCD and I score really high. High enough for a potential diagnosis but they never diagnosed me. My therapist thinks I have OCD not only because of my results but because of my mental health struggles I tell her about.

I am currently considering medication for OCD since nothing I’ve been doing has been helping and my therapist thinks it’s the best option. But I’m scared if getting medication for OCD and having a OCD diagnosis will prevent me from getting physical help. My therapist and other doctors I’ve seen lately don’t think my episodes are a mental problem but I’m scared if the doctors in New York might think so.

I know this is a lot and thank you so much for reading this if you did. If you’re able to answer this: do you think I should be worried about getting an OCD diagnosis because if the doctors will dismiss me? If so what should I do? Thank you so much

#OCD #Undiagnosed #MentalHealth #LifeUpdate

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I’m new here

I’m undiagnosed, but have elevated liver enzymes. I’ve been dealing with a lot of pain in my upper abdomen that feels like my organs are just so distended, it’s an unbearable sensation that I’ve never felt anything like. It often radiates to my shoulder or back. I also have unexplained weight loss, nausea, loss of appetite and fatigue. I’ve already been through lots of tests for things like viral hepatitis, CMV, mono and nothing has come up. I feel like I can’t do this any longer, all I want is to just feel better.
#ChronicPain #Undiagnosed #AutoimmuneHepatitis

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is fridgewraith. I'm undiagnosed, mostly, and still looking for answers, and I found this app tonight.

#MightyTogether #Depression #OCD #Gastroparesis #Undiagnosed #Anxiety

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Where To Start #ChronicIllness #Undiagnosed

2020... I had an IUD taken out thinking my severe sharp cramps were because of the IUD. Doctor put me on estrogen birth control and my menstrual cycle took a turn for the worst. I had a plague of symptoms that all were so severe. From severe lower back pain(I could not sleep on my back, had to sleep on my side, I couldn't just roll over, it hurt to even sit on the toilet. When I drove I had to sit on a circle pillows to keep my tailbome off the seat) I also had heavy peirods(clots, severe cramps then went into my inner thighs and would hurt my already painful back, light spotting carried on after peirods and in between periods, it was as if I only had a week off of bleeding a month) I had the worse bum cramps, peeing hurt all the time(burning, having to urinate often) Sometimes if I didn't pee I'd get sharp pains. Id have either constipation, diarrhea sometimes, depressive episodes. I couldn't wear a tampon(I ALWAYS wore them with no problem) but suddenly they didn't sit up there anymore, they'd get lodged sideways and fall out. I was forced to wear large pads. I couldn't physically go anywhere. It was a big deal to leave the house. Anyways fast forward. 2021-2022 I found a lady doctor who put me on Visanne, said if it worked it is likely Endometriosis. It worked. 98% symptoms gone. But I began getting severe left sided pain(and lower abdomen pain) She told me I needed the diagnostic surgery. Met the gyno. Specialist (who doubted it was Endo, thinks its IBS which I'm not against but that doesn't answer my menstrual issues) she put me on Myfembree. Which worked like gold! Fast forward again(after arguing with a gynecologist, I thought, "I just want to make sure it is endo and if we can get ahead of it") I had my surgery last week, they didn't find anything. She said it was just painful periods. (Btw, she BARELY read any of my history the lady doctor wrote down for me over the years, this specialist didn't read barely anything.) She isn't looking into my issues anymore. She said we will do a six week follow up on your surgery incisions and that's it. It sits so wrong with me. The medication is working, but I discussed with her before the surgery that the last med stopped working and I'm concerned about that happening again and she agreed. But now it's not a concern? I'll probably go visit the woman doctor again but I feel like I'm being ridiculous now. I feel like I'm overboard or I shouldn't be worried. Is there not other conditions this could be? Because I looked up the confusing word(painful periods) and that does not tick off my symptoms. Anyways, that's my very shortened story. Sorry about that.

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#Undiagnosed #MentalHealth

I feel really bad, especially today. I’ve been eating all the daytime, sugar, lot of candys and chocolates, I just can’t stop. I drank soda like it was water. Even if I didn’t want to eat anything, I kept picking more and more sweet things. It makes me feel better for a while, but then I just go back to feeling badly and exhausted. I’m like that these days, waiting for sugar to make me feel better. I mean, I like candys and those stuff, but I just eat one a day, I almost ate a box of chocolate, of like 50, all alone.

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Hard Times Make You .

The other night when my mom and I were in the ER parking lot headed to get my nightly dose of hardcore antibiotics . ( that medication was stopped the day after this )

We saw this women get into her car , and then saw her as her upper body collapse into her steering wheel

I don’t know if it was anger , anguish , grief , exhaustion, or all the above that caused her to have this physical reaction to what she was going through.

But you could tell this women was deep in the trenches of whatever she was facing. .

As I stared at this women through my tinted windows .
I pondered on how I will never know her story .

Heck , there will be a time I forget about this moment .

But illness has taught me that behind “tinted windows “ everyone you know is facing something incredibly hard , that they often don’t speak about

But the thing I find truly miraculous is when people face these ridiculously hard situations, and don’t let it turn them into a hard person .

To be angry and bitter is the EASIEST thing in the world .

But to make something beautiful from pain .
Is where the real work comes In

I thought of so many amazing people in my life who have this amazing quality and have turned their pain into something beautiful.

Until I heard a small voice whisper to me

“ This is where you need to give yourself some credit .. You have done this to “ ❤️‍🩹🥹

So to all those who are going through exceptionally hard things , and it hasn’t made you into a hard person .

Know that is an accomplishment beyond comparison ❤️
And I am so proud of you .
#Spoonie #chronicillness #mcasawareness #raredisease #cvid #positivevibes #faith #keepgoing #mentalhealth #mindset #Epilepsy #Undiagnosed

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I'm semi new here

This is the first time I'm posting in here. I've had the app installed but haven't really used it. I'm looking for some friends that understand what im going through.
Doctors are still trying to work out what is going on in my body and why it has randomly decided to attack itself
#CRPS #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #Undiagnosed

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Sound like mito?

#MitochondrialDisease #Undiagnosed #RareDisease

Hello everyone. I have been seeking for answers my whole life and just learned about mito and sounds very possible. Here are my symptoms:

-significant fatigue that often has my body feeling extremely heavy. Sometimes to the point of not being able to move/will have trouble breathing. Rest helps a bit.

-muscle pain, spasms, twitching, and tightness.

-muscle fatigue/weakness(?)

-poor growth (due mainly to growth hormone defeciency) and a lot of trouble eating & gaining weight. Dx of gastroparesis and IBS as well.

-had an EMG done as a teen that was abnormal but inconclusive as the tech couldn't interpret the signals.

-Visual blindspots

-Orthostatic intolerance

-Probably more to add but cant think of them. I recently had to invest in forearm crutches and while I try to avoid them, do use them on worse days.
