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You Push Me Away…

It’s Mother’s Day. I feel alienated, blocked from communicating with my oldest daughter. Basically, she’s completely shutting me out. I don’t know what happened, or what I did..Maybe nothing? Maybe something? She’s also not communicating with her Dad. Her husband said that she is suffering from a bad Bile Reflux, it has been making her ill to her stomach for months. It’s making her weak, and it has made her suffer weight loss.(-I knew this. I just hope her doctors can do something before she losses more weight. She’s in a NED currently, so that’s great.)
I just saw a social media post where my daughters are together on a trip to Pittsburg. Ummm, she can’t be that sick to not respond to a text, a want for a phone call, or just a responsive:“hey Mom..”? It’s like my child has ghosted me. I’ve had several people that I was close to in the past, try to push me away, because of their Cancers. I’ve seen it. Is it because they think you can’t possibly know what they are going through? Is it because they want to spare you the pain of their demise, but are actually causing their loved ones a great deal of emotional pain and anguish, by pushing themselves away, by distancing completely.? #MothersDay #BreastCancer #itscomplicated #Grief #Whattodo #Family #PTSD #Havemyownissues #Care #Depression


New counselor

I haven't had the need to see a counselor in a few years.... That is until my daughter got married and we moved into her new house from our house. I am 35 minutes from a grocery store, hospital etc etc. My doctor's are still in old town except primary care. She's the other way. She wasn't comfortable managing my psych meds like old PCP, and since I now have 0 support people in this state, I need someone unbiased
But my former counselor of 20 years, is now retired. So I just finished the 3 session intake and we'll start counseling on Tuesday. I don't even know where to start with her. I really miss Jerry, and I already feel that way being built up brick by brick. It's a great of the unknown, a great of saying the wrong thing and her taking it wrong and have me admitted. It has been 12 years since my last admit. I used to be admitted every few months.
Has anyone had to get a new counselor after years with another? If so, how did you handle the change? Any input is welcome!


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gossiping coworkers (to long to be a question)

There is a chat open on the common computer at work. One of my coworkers has asked about how I was acting today. The reply is “she´s exhausting, and I have a headache”. Then the man sends a photo of a note that I had forgotten in the break room. He said I had to take my one advises. Dissing me. Undermining my disorder. Because the note was for me. No one was supposed to see it. The note is one of my mechanisms for not getting an angry outburst.

They both know about my condition. None of them have ever asked about it. Tried to understand me. They don’t know how difficult it is to be me on my worst days. Never feel like I have a genuine feeling. Everything at once. Nothing at all. Overflow with feelings. Then an empty whole with no bottom. Trying to control the anger I have inside. Not beign able to control it. Have an outburst. Lose control. When I have no idea who I am.

As you might have figured, I have BPD, borderline personality disorder.

It hurts me to read this chat knowing that they are making fun of my mechanism to survive the day. When I go around hating myself, not knowing what I feel or how to react in a situation. Not knowing who I am. Have no ground to stand on. They make fun of me and the strategy I have when I´m struggling the most.

So what do I do about the coworkers? Do I confront them, or let it go?

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPDDiagnosis #Whattodo


I hate the way I feel

Having fibromyalgia is not the easiest in the world. I try and hide the pain, or at least not talk about it. I try to make sure I try and keep it under control. I try to live as normal as possible. I cannot handle arguing or bickering so I really, really try not too. It just physically hurts too damn much. There are many times I find that I get very irritated by someone’s anger, it just pisses me off. They have no idea what it is like so the anger makes me even more angry. How do I stop doing this. I feel like I may just explode. 🤯 #anger #Fibro #contol #Whattodo


I hate the way I feel

Having fibromyalgia is not the easiest in the world. I try and hide the pain, or at least not talk about it. I try to make sure I try and keep it under control. I try to live as normal as possible. I cannot handle arguing or bickering so I really, really try not too. It just physically hurts too damn much. There are many times I find that I get very irritated by someone’s anger, it just pisses me off. They have no idea what it is like so the anger makes me even more angry. How do I stop doing this. I feel like I may just explode. 🤯 #anger #Fibro #contol #Whattodo



Last week I cold turkey stopped all my meds. I let my doctor know and she is angry with me. I don’t want to take meds anymore and I said I would put alarms on my phone to take them but I still am not taking them. My doctor said I have to take them or find a new doctor. Do I lie and say I am taking the meds so I don’t loose my doctor of 30 years or do I tell the truth and go without a doctor? I don’t lie usually but I would rather die than take the meds. #Whattodo


Is it worth it?

I pulled something in my foot. I have hyperextensive joints, fibromyalgia, ect. Not sure if it’s even worth it to see a doctor after several days of swelling and pain. And I can’t afford an urgent care or ER visit. :/ #Whattodo #Fibromyalgia #stuckinarut


recommendations during quarantine

I was searching for some tv show recommendations and came across this app. it doesn’t only recommend you tv shows but also: music, movies, new apps, restaurants near by, items you may be interested in, books, etc. and I thought i might as well share it with you guys just in case you’re interested :) peoople.app/steephnicole_ #DistractMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Distractions #Whattodo #distractiontactics #quarantinelife #boredom #helpeachother #Alternative #AnxietyDisorders #Entertainment #Mindfulness


#LupusSLE #LookingForSuggestions #Whattodo

Unbeknownst to me, I was diagnosed as having Lupus SLE in 1998. In 2013 a Dr wanted to test me for it. However, I used to care for my late ex-mom-n-law. (I knew the signs and symptoms) So when the Dr said he wanted to test me, I told him NO. Why, you may ask. Well to be totally transparent, I was in DENIAL. So in 2018 when my symptoms got worse, I requested my Dr to run the tests. These tests were ran twice by one Dr... with an UNDENIABLE POSITIVE. So I get sent to a Specialist and again my tests where with an UNDENIABLY POSITIVE. Now it's 2020 my Lupus is all over the map, with flare-up after flare-up. I still have yet to start treatment. My question to everyone is: am I better off just managing it with diet and homoeopathics or alternative treatment. Or am I better off going with the traditional western medicine? I've known of several people that have/had Lupus. From Neonatal, Discoid, Subacute Cutaneous, Drug-induced, or Acute Cutaneous Lupus. Of which all were treated with Western Medicine and they're overall health was horrible!! Were as, myself is concerned. My health is good for the most part, considering I'm an untreated immunocompromised patient. Open for discussion, comments and/or concerns. But, only if delivered with love and concern. No belittling or shaming!!

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Broken hip with a broken heart

Cops came today to try to calm my bi polar brother (who also has adhd ,and depression). He is 16, but not a normal 16 year old. He has had mental issues since about 6 years old. Adolescent stage was the https://worst.he has already threatened my mom in several occasions and today he targeted me.(which is fine I’m not the type to stand by and take it) .words were exchanged and he ends up breaking my television (which is replaceable [havent been much for material things ] ) .he continues with his rant and threatens me with a razor blade (which was a first timer for me) . Calls me names ,so my mom and I decide to Ignore him. Cops come to address problem, with the cops he doesn’t try to buff up to them or aggravate them . He communicated with them with no aggression or vulgar language . He then made suicidal comments and also tried to cut himself with scissors ( he does this to get attention,not the first time he’s done that ) .

Im currently with a broken hip. So it’s a pain to walk around with a walker and it hurts that I have to call the cops on my own brother. (He’s stolen my rent money back in 2017). Sucks for my mom because she has to live with this. She came down to Austin to help me with my broken self. and now has to return home due to my brother. My mom has recently been diagnosed with some kind of dark shaded area in her brain(she won’t tell me what it is) . So trying my hardest not to think negative on my moms health:

Feeling occasionally depression bumps but now my question would be .how do you handle a brother like this? Ignoring seemed to do the trick but talking to him while mad makes things worse with his disorder . This person is not my loving brother he becomes this dark evil shadow that takes over his body. Not scared if he were to kill me for I am not scared of https://death.but I am trying to find a way to help my mom cope so her life expectancy can be https://longer.i feel like my brother is slowly killing her and I have to watch this as it Happens. #Whattodo #justanotherday #tryingTonotletEmotionsGetInMyWay