gastroparesis diagnosis - finally
Hi y’all, my name is Sarah. I’ve been a part of the Mighty for mental health stuff for a few years. But for the past year or two, my body has been getting progressively more and more hard to exist in. I get full after a bite of food and I feel sick all the time; I can barely work anymore. I’ve been seeking medical care and diagnosis for years, and it’s been a long journey of gaslighting and condescension. All my tests came back normal, so I was told there was nothing wrong. I was told this was just a relapse of my old eating disorder, even though I wasn’t having any eating disorder thoughts. I finally got a positive result: gastroparesis. I’m feeling so conflicted honestly. So relieved to know why I feel so horrible. But scared because this doesn’t have a cure and I might never feel better. But mostly just angry, at all those doctors and all the people who felt like I was choosing to not eat on purpose, even though I told them that wasn’t what was happening. I’m tired of being told I’m not trying hard enough when this has nothing to do with trying. I’m just so discouraged and depressed and ill and I just wanna feel ok in my body. Anyway, thanks for reading the whole rant if you made it this far :) I would appreciate any support y’all can spare. #Gastroparesis #ARFID #EatingDisorders #ChronicIllness