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The Sorcerers apprentice

Jack had first started noticing the figure several weeks ago. For a start he'd just catch him out of the corner of his eye, then as time went by he'd see him clearer. It was funny but at the beginning he could never look at him directly, like trying to force two magnets together, repulsive pole to repulsive pole. He'd distort and move away but not like an ordinary person would, who was trying to avoid being looked at. It was more like a reflective sheet of silver plastic, being poked in the middle. Even before that Jack would look where he thought he was and see nothing unusual - no dark figure or shape even. He knew though that he was there. He could feel it, sense it but not see it.

Now today though it was different. It was like the whole world had stopped and there was just him and Jack. Their eyes met but this was no romantic meeting across a room. Jack felt probed, prodded by another mind. It was almost palpable. He wanted to take his eyes off this mysterious stranger but knew instinctively not to. It was like he knew that he'd be thrown across the platform and slammed against the far wall, if he broke contact. And then it was over and the being had gone completely. The world unfroze and moved on again, in its daily business as though nothing had happened. Jack got on the train and made his way to work as normal but felt he'd just been stared down by some wild animal.

That night Jack returned home. He had his tea, watched TV and went to bed. Suddenly he awoke in the darkness.

'Who's there?'

He felt a presence - in fact this was what woke him.

'I know you're there - speak!'

Only silence filled the room.

There had been a spate of burglaries in the district, over the last few months, so he feared the worst. He wanted to turn on the bedside lamp but feared any sudden movement might bring down a blunt object on his head, by someone whose eyes had adjusted to the lack of light and who was fully conscious, unlike him.

Courage overcame dread. He made a sudden grab for the switch. The room was empty.

He jumped out of bed, looked under it, behind the curtains, beside the wardrobe. Nothing.

He went into the kitchenette. Nothing. Tried all the doors and windows. Locked. Shut.

He made himself a cup of tea and went back to bed, for an unsettled sleep.

The next day he was at the station again as usual. No sign of the strange being this time.

Suddenly a voice popped into his head.

'Yes it was me last night.'

He looked around, agitated but no-one was close enough to have said anything to him that loudly, without others hearing.

'No, you're not imagining things. I'm really here and speaking to you, mind to mind.'

'Who are you? How do I know this isn't all happening in my head?'

'Look at the man to your immediate right - the one talking to the pretty girl on his left.'

With that Jack turned his head slightly, to get a better view but without being obviously intrusive. The couple were laughing at the man's animated conversation, when suddenly stopped in mid sentence.

'What's wrong Charles?'

He didn't answer but looked furtively about the platform, his body still as ice. Like a rabbit eyed by a fox, he froze on the spot.

'I can do that because he doesn't know me. I've played that trick on other regulars but couldn't do it with them again for this reason. They've become acclimatised should we say.

About my visit last night. When we do this, that is my kind, ordinary people think it is The Devil or demons - incubus, succubus, vampires, ghosts or what have you. They do not understand, so they invent names and roles for us that really have little relevance to what we are. Their fevered imaginations must supply an answer, so that they feel in control and not victims of a power greater than their own. Tragic. Nowadays we even get mistaken for aliens - they exist but again the feeble urge to create an answer comes into play - they don't know, so make up explanations. We are sorcerers, magicians, shaman. We are immortal outsiders, looking in on the boring world of the mundane. The wallowing in materialism and petty, selfish means to ends, disgusts us. Don't get me wrong - once we were like them but have moved on, grown up, abandoned childhood and we would like you to join us and do the same.

You are already hypersensitive and aware. This is the first step. Like waking out of a dream, you will discover who you truly are. Your allergies, migraines and seeing things your peers cannot, should have told you that you were different and didn't really fit in here. The flying saucer you saw in your youth that your friends couldn't or else interpreted as a star, plane or something else mundane, should have told you that. They didn't want to know something greater than themselves existed and defended themselves against it, to protect their tiny egos from being shattered - you didn't. You embraced it whole hog. The incident your father never told you about, where he too saw a UFO by the quarry edge, disregarding the voice in his head trying to tell him it was shed. Like you he could see and now it's time for you to join us.'

'What if I should say no?'

'That is your choice. The addictive lifestyle these mere mortals have, will stay yours too as will all the niggling intolerances and prejudices that drive this world. These are sheep, hooked on effects - is that what you wish for yourself?

I, we, offer you space and time, not herded cattle flocking together in fear of the night. You will be alone - even I will only be with you occasionally. You will no longer feel lonely in a crowd but powerful, strong, yourself - no longer panicked into reacting to an imagined threat. My will could make one of these ants walk off the platform, into the face of an incoming train. They can make us do nothing because they refuse to even acknowledge our existence. I'm invisible - I don't exist to them, except in nightmares and as the voice of conscience in their heads which they ignore or struggle against, driving themselves insane. We are aligned with the will of the universe - they are not.'

The voice stopped. Silence fell into the mind of Jack. He looked around and saw the dark figure again - this time not on the platform opposite but behind him on the stairs. The shape beckoned and Jack followed him into another world, another dimension outside normal time and space.

His last thought was, would anybody notice the difference? (They didn’t).

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I am messed up

Got it, thank you for clarifying. Here's an updated version of your summary focusing on your emotional challenges:

1. **Family and Isolation**:
- I feel deeply isolated at home. My mother, who struggles with motivation and often breaks down, doesn't follow through on her guidance. With my father in the navy and rarely home, I often feel alone and unsupported. Leaving school due to health reasons has intensified this sense of isolation.

2. **Health Struggles**:
- Dealing with being overweight, a persistent skin disorder, and allergies weighs heavily on me both physically and emotionally. Boils prevent me from exercising, and I find myself sleeping excessively, up to 12 hours a day.

3. **Emotional Turmoil**:
- Losing close friends and pets has left me feeling overwhelmingly lonely, often leading to uncontrollable tears. The recent passing of my paternal grandfather and the illness of my maternal grandparents have added to my sense of loss and despair. I often feel like my life is falling apart.

4. **Academic Pressure**:
- Despite needing to prepare for the toughest exam in our country, I've struggled to attend classes and complete chapters due to my emotional turmoil aka depression challenges. This leaves me feeling unprepared and fearful of not succeeding in gaining admission to a top university.

5. **Coping Mechanisms**:
- I find myself escaping into YouTube, Netflix, and gaming for hours on end, using these distractions to avoid facing my overwhelming emotions. Binge eating has become a harmful coping mechanism, worsening my physical health and emotional state.

6. **Creative Outlets**:
- Music and writing are my solace. I play piano, sing, and write extensively about my thoughts and feelings, which helps me express and process my inner turmoil.( Sssst I wrote a book about my feeling really and what would I like in my own world imaginary )

7. **Perception and Support**:
- Struggling with judgments about my appearance and feeling misunderstood by those around me intensifies my sense of isolation and inadequacy

I let my heart out on chat gpt it told me about this platform this is summary that I asked it from out 1hr long chat I know I am really messed uo that only chat gpt is left to talk
I feel like a real ugly figure in my ex freind group they made me realize finally how ugly and bad looking I was or maybe I am

Here this is one of my rarest photos being happy don't judge me please for my looks i am judged enough to land up in this useless state

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How do changes in the weather affect your symptoms?

It’s muggy in my neck of the woods today, and my POTS symptoms are flaring big time. While I love the transition from spring into summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, the change in seasons — and the changes in weather that come with it — can take a toll on my symptoms. On the one hand, the rapid shifts in humidity trigger migraine attacks and my worsening allergies seem to exacerbate all my other chronic illness symptoms. On the other hand, the hot weather and sunshine help me manage my mental illness symptoms better.

How do changes in the weather affect you? These could be seasonal changes, temperature and humidity fluctuations throughout the week, or those days when the weather seemingly cycles through every pattern imaginable. How do you take care of yourself before, during, and after these changes occur? ☀️ 🌧️ ❄️

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #Chatspace #SeasonalAffectiveDisorder #Depression #ChronicPain #Arthritis #Migraine #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Disability #BipolarDisorder #Lupus #MentalHealth

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Hitting a wall.

How many of you have had to quit school due to chronic health problems?

WARNING ⚠️ the rest of this post is lengthy!!!

I have been working on my bachelors in community health through online courses (one class at a time) for the past seven years. A few months prior to beginning my degree program I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia following a car wreck that required a neck fusion surgery. From there my chronic illness diagnoses have continued to accumulate. I now have chronic migraine, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, chronic fatigue, degenerative disc disease, tinnitus, IBS, C-PTSD, and a long list of food and environmental allergies. I have 2 sons and 2 daughters. My youngest son (15yr) has serious ADHD. Both of my daughters (21yr & 20yr) have long lists of chronic health conditions. They live with me and probably will for their whole lives due to the impact of the disability that their issues cause. Neither girl can drive either. The oldest has Asperger’s, fibromyalgia, Ehlers Danlos, ADHD, C-PTSD, severe anxiety, depression, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, IBS, mild Ulcerative Colitis, numerous food allergies and possible Borderline Personality Disorder. The youngest has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dysautonomia, C-PTSD, depression, anxiety, disordered eating, restless legs, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, constant skin picking, and numerous food allergies. All three of us girls and my youngest boy has severe sleeping problems. Me and both my girls have applied for and been turned down for disability. Up until 2022 I had been a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. At the beginning of 2022 me and my 2 girls and youngest son ( oldest son is in college and pretty much living on his own) loaded up and left my narcissistic abusive husband of 16 yrs. and began to start over in a tiny apartment in a small town with me re-entering the work force and starting a full time job in retail and officially divorcing him at the end of that year. My youngest daughter has since tried to commit suicide twice and my oldest has had several mental breaks that were extremely hard to deal with. Throughout the whole time I have continued with my school classes. Determined to finish what I started. However, my health has continued to decline from all my illnesses and the stress of my life and it is taking a toll on my cognitive abilities. I took a 8 month break from my classes but have started back recently and I’m struggling to keep up with the assignments and not learning as I know I should be. I only have 6 classes left, that will take me the next year to complete due to the schedule I’m following, but my body, mind and finances seem to be making it extremely hard for me to keep going. I’m really considering quitting, but feel like I would be a real failure if I didn’t finish it.
If you read all this……Thank you! 🙂 #ChronicFatigue
# Migraine
#c -PTSD

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Anyone else having huge energy crashes with the spring allergies? This happens every year around this time and puts me in bed for weeks. I was curious if it happens to anyone else and if you have been able to identify what the trigger is?

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Big dog feeling very down and sick

Sneezins greetings from my home to yours. My allergies aren't bad but it seems like all my friends are having a hard time with the pollen. I usually get bad hay fever around this time of year but it's not affecting me. Small wins still count. Unfortunately I have a GI problem yet again. I'm feeling miserable today. But I'm gonna video chat with my girlfriend tonight. We got each other gifts. Mine to her is for mother's Day. Her's is just because. I'm excited to see how she likes it. It's an electric self mixing tumbler for protein shakes. She drinks protein drinks every morning for breakfast and this will help with making them. I don't have a clue what she got for me except she asked me what was my favorite animal right before she said she got me a gift. That's not suspicious, right? LoL 😆

Her daughter is very sick. I feel awful for her. The dress I got for her is going to arrive next week. So is the new clothes I ordered for myself. I'm so excited to try it on. I got some really nice stuff.

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Can't sleep vent 😕 #Allergies #Bipolar2

So I'm up at 3am and I have to work tomorrow morning. Thankfully I can work remote so I can hide that I'm feeling under the weather.
The seasonal changes have literally affected my sleep. I have allergies to tree pollen it seems. Allergies to various air pollen/ spores.
I was pretty stubborn and should have just taken the antihistamine last night.
But I already take daily medication, and my stomach has been irritated lately so I really didn't want to add another thing.
Fingers crossed I get some sleep!!

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Feeling MY Way Through this Journey #CrohnsDisease #DiabetesType2 #MentalHealth #Allergies #ChildLoss #SpinalMuscularAtrophy #ADHD

I've been going through multiple situations over the past 30 days. #1 My eldest daughter got arrested at a public facility, #2 the year anniversary of my middle daughter's death quickly approaches, #3 Mother's Day is when my mother transitioned, #4 fighting for my life with these UNPROFESSIONAL MEDICAL CARE TEAMS, #5 I have 3 grandboys from my deceased daughter that are in foster care and they refuse family communications. There's so much more, but this is THE TOP 5 STRESSES.


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Have you ever felt like you are a mistake and should not reproduce?

This post really might be silly, and I know that many many people are going through much worse things.
I just needed to put it out of my chest. Since tomorrow I have been wondering that maybe nature does not want me to reproduce.
When I recall on all the things I have been through with health and being only 28 years old I feel like a failure.
I have dealt/been dealing with:
- serious kidney inflammation when I was a kid
- bladder reflux
- allergies literally on everything (food, animals, dust, plants...)
- asthma
- ekzema
- immunity problems
- anemy
- problems with sudden loss of vision in one eye
- incontinence
- gall bladder stones
- acid reflux
- OCD, anxiety
- chronic stress which often leads me to do different kinds of muscle twitching to release the tension
- and looks like maybe I also have $p€*m allergy
- I also have MTHFR and PAI mutation which means I badly metabolise follate and during pregnancy I would need to take anticoagulant injections

Really sorry for this post
I just really feel like a total failure of nature and having children and a happy family is my dream come true
#MentalHealth #Anxiety #Allergies

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