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Not feeling wired at all

I'm being admitted to a mental health hospital tomorrow. Tonight I'm trying to fall asleep and hear a scratching and fluttering noise. I think it's a moth which freaks me out because I don't like the tiny possibility it could crawl in my ear. I put my glasses on, turn on the light... omg it's a dirty great big cockroach. Probably 2 inches long. The kind that can fly across the room. I put my brave face on because I'm alone tonight. I get the bug spray. Obviously it won't die immediately but rather than drop to the floor the damn thing flies towards me! I sprayed but had to turn around and I let out a weird yelp noise. Sprayed a lot, it flew at me a couple of times then squished it. I clean it up. I'm thirsty. Kitchens messy. I'm certainly not sleepy now. So I clean the kitchen. I do not feel relaxed now. #BipolarDisorder #Australia


#RaynaudsPhenomenon specifically in #Australia

Just wondering what gloves you guys wear in winter?
I’m noticing an almost instant reaction in my hands/finger tips after very limited contact with anything cold 🥶
the burning sensation as the blood starts to flow again is almost unbearable at this point 😩

See full photo


Hello! I’m new to this group and the mighty community in general, and so far it has been a wonderful place to be a part of.
I found this group browsing this morning through the explore page and it looks right up my ally. So many talented people here! I’m not sure if anyone else here uses digital art/painting as there main medium? But personally I find it’s the most therapeutic for me :)

I finished this piece yesterday after around 13 hours of working on it, I’m going to print and frame it for my mother. The bird is a tawny frogmouth, one of mums favourite animals. We have a small family of them near our house that we check on every morning on our walk. There such unique and beautiful creatures

Tawny frogmouth reference

Background texture

#Australia #mother #Bird #owl #Gift #Drawing #painting #Animals #therapeutic #madewithlove #MothersDay #Art #creativetherapy


An ultimate guide about Australia immigration

Australia immigration providеs you with rеmаrkаblе opportunitiеs to study аnd work rеsulting in improvеd stаndаrds of living. Аustrаliа Skillеd Immigrаtion еnаblеs onе to pursuе а cаrееr in thеir most hаndy skills. Studеnts аrе wеlcomеd еvеry yеаr to еnrol in а vаriеty of study progrаms. Or onе mаy simply аpply for Аustrаliаn immigrаtion for а bеttеr lifеstylе. #Australia #australiaimmigration


Emotional Trauma of living through hell on earth - Australia

I've been really struggling the last few months. I'm sure I'm not alone with this. I am normally a fairly positive and optimistic person but it feels harder than normal to continue to struggle. I feel selfish as I know people are in a lot worse position than I am.  

Its heartbreaking to try and comprehend the scale of the fire disaster here in Australia. Dealing with the smoke for months is draining physically and mentally. It's going to take years or decades for our nation to recover if it ever can. We are really going to have rally and support each other to get through this, its more important that we do this than ever before.

Money and international support is only going to do so much, its up to us to bring our communities the aid and support that they need. This has to be done on a micro level on a massive scale. Cancel your international holidays and dreams, travel and support your local community and business wherever you can.

Rant over

#Australia #Fire
#Bipolar2Disorder #Depression

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Feeling really sad today about what's happening in Australia . I dont wamt anyone to die but my heart aches so much for all the innocent animals killed .


It was all in my head #meloztripdaydreams

Melissa Hoffman here 🖐
I hope you all are traveling ok 😘
Myself diagnosed with Chiari by accident a few years ago .
Then knowing what I was looking for ,
2 of my 4 kids also were recently diagonsed with #Chiari so far .
We all suffer different quite different symptoms . And it's progressing in all of us more & more .Trying to get any of the stubborn and well uniformed Drs here, is proving quite stressful also .
I've been tryin to get answers for some 40 years endless treatments & operations , travelling to see various health professionals across the Australia. 😢🧠💜..
So I started an awareness drive  & now I'm  Founder/Director-volunteer @ Purple Hair Day for Chiari Global 🧠💜
A public chiari awareness Co , #PURPLEHAIRPLEASECARE .
fully registered & approved nationwide , not for profit foundation & pages to raise public awareness & funds GLOBALLY . AWESOME that research has just started in Sydney with Prof M.Stoodley . Also we will get hardship & kids wish & camps for #Chiari kids & better treatments of patients/families .
Our partnership with @LeonieClarke #CHIARIWA & #MssBrain #graninavan
And with some 600 + memes made
Our plan is to get #PHD4CG -
Purple Hair Day 4 Chiari Global
in every single school from prep to college facility in Sept by 2020 🤞💜🧠 with our mascots
#bobbert & #Missbrain #CHIARIWA to help us raise fund & awareness 4 research for better treatments &
or a cure 4 #ChiariMalformation
#Chiari (Kee - AR - Ree)
#adelaide #Australia
Cheers Mel & kids & volunteers xx 👍🇦🇺
PLEASE feel free to share /copy & paste this post ..
Cheers Mel & kids , Leonie & Morgan Volunteers

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