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I’m never leaving my house again

I’ve always had anxiety when leaving my home but it has now been amplified with the state of my physical health and the pandemic. I felt hungry and wanted a sandwich so my husband dropped me off to grab one quickly. While I was waiting to order, an older woman was standing very close to me and not wearing a mask (which is illegal in Ontario right now). I politely asked her to move back and to please put on her mask. She then proceeded to scream at me and throw her hot cup of coffee/tea right at me. As I was standing there in shock, trying not to cry, she pulled her mask just under her nose and laughed at me. Laughed. The employee behind the counter at the sandwich shop was very nice to me and I stood strong, placed my order and left. Now I’m in bed and don’t feel like I can face the world anymore. I have this loving face looking at me, genuine I’m sure of it, because I don’t have food lol. My faith in humanity has been lost and I’m not sure why I even want to be alive anymore because the physical and mental pain is just too much. #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #ADHD #PTSD #Grief #SinusTachycardia #autoimmedisease #EatingDisorders #SensoryProcessingIssues #foodaversion #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #Allergies #skinpicking #Fatigue #ChronicPain #SuicidalThoughts #Sadness

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My neighbours are used to my “odd” ways...

When I get overwhelmed with anxiety and sensory issues, I go outside. If my neighbours came out right now, they would see me and (one of) my furry best friends, sitting on the interlock, in the dark, when it’s freezing cold. I still have our patio set out, but I prefer the ground. I even do this in our snowy, -30 degree, Canadian weather. I sit here and listen to my favourite pop-punk and indie songs until I’m ready to face the real world again. Whatever helps you cope, I suppose! #Bipolar1Disorder #Anxiety #CombinedPresentationADHD #ADHDInGirls #ADHD #SensoryIssues #SensoryProcessingIssues #EatingDisorders #foodaversion #SinusTachycardia #autoimmedisease #PTSD #Grief #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #skinpicking #overthinking #ChronicPain #Migraine #creativity #Drawing #Music #Upallnight