Racy Lightheaded Sweaty
I was diagnosed with sinus tachycardia with no known cause years ago probably about 8 to 10. About 3 years ago I was able to get off beta blockers and my heart rates were more stable around 80 to 85 most of the time. A few months ago I experienced a flare in my pelvic pain and was in really really high pain levels. I was also experiencing really high heart rates. From pain right? Perhaps not. Now I have been noticing more change from laying and sitting to standing. My hr is not always high just once I stand and I have had sone clanmy blood pooling type legs. Also low bos to where I pass oht/nearly do and have to sit back down. I was never given a tilt table test way back when because my ortho static vitals didn't suggest I needed one. Now my doc has referred me back to cardiology to explore further. I definitely have also been having temperature regulation issues. I have been sweating through my clothes or shivering with no rhyme or reason. Tf is going on with my #autonomicnervoussystem ?! #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Tachycardia #Syncope