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Aftermath of a Flashback


"Let me help you."

This again. "No."

"You've been sitting here for most of the day. Instead of isolating yourself in this dark corner, let's talk about what's troubling you."

"If he comes closer, I'm going to attack him."

"Anger, I'm not going to let you hurt Compassion. Relax. He's just trying to help."

"Compassion, there's nothing new that you haven't heard. I just need time. If I sit still long enough, breathe deeply long enough, this too will pass."

"What will pass?"

"Did you not hear Sorrow? Back off. Now!"

"Stop it, Anger! You're shouting is not helping! Both of you, stop talking or I'll end us all by jumping!"

They whisper in unison, "We can't swim…"

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1 year from Him now #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder


Last Year, I was just finish moving in my own place, ... in november to be more specifict ... At 44 years , it’s about time ...
... My dad is FINALLY FAR FROM ME ... and it’s also about time too.

I’m far from him ... but say hello to the real trauma period.
... When everything cool down ...
... Your body start to relaxe and it’s like a big hit in the face ... BOOM! post traumatic’s syndrome ... very hard for me to accept it.

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A year ago today - My #Flashbackfriday

This was my Instagram post just a little bit ago. Thought I might share here for all my fellow warriors in case you need a bit of hope today.

Here is my #fbf .


The start of my journey after diagnosis came one year ago, thanks to many, including @malsawareness - Thank you. I can’t believe how much has happened since then. Diagnosis, diagnosis confirmation, trips to meet surgeon and have a block performed, (which for anyone reading, they asked if I was nauseous, and I said no, and then looked at my mom, and said, “*That’s* what nausea feels like? I feel nauseous 24/7.” I didn’t realize I was until I wasn’t. I also ate more and faster than usual and was seeing stars so much oxygen was getting to my brain.) and just a few short months later, surgery with that same doc. Recovery is still hard, and I am still trying to piece together what is improved from surgery, and what is other conditions. But about 6 months after surgery now, and I don’t regret it a bit. #NoFilter #nofilterneeded #forreasons #likeawesomeness #Flashbackfriday

(And, yes, I use a lot of hashtags. A new one I should add, #hashimotos.)

#chronicbadass #Fibromyalgia #fibrowarrior #posturalorthostatictachycardia #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PCOS #PolycysticOvarianSyndrome #Hypothyroidism #ist #InappropriateSinusTachycardia #InvisibleIllness #InvisibleChronicIllness #ifight #iwin #BeBrave #Dysautonomia #autonomicnervoussystem #rosecea #Gastroparesis #ehlersdanlossyndrometype3 #MedianArcuateLigamentSyndrome #nutcrackersyndrome #IBS

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Finish this sentence: “At this time last year I was...”

Tell us where you were this time last year for #Flashbackfriday.⚡️ Maybe you were recovering from surgery, starting your last semester at college, meeting a new friend who's now your best friend or navigating your way through grief.

(P.S. Remember to give yourself a pat on the back from the progress you've made!👏)

#MightyMinute #CheerMeOn #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain


#Flashbackfriday #misunderstood

I still am wondering why some people jumped into the conclusion that the trigger for my depression was a break up from a past relationship... I am surprised even the first time I heard it from an older colleague... and then from another... To be honest, it is sickening and confusing. It was a brief, superficial relationship after all and I was able to cope up sooner than I expected since it was the first... Anyway, I am more worried of the people in the workplace who I think are the real triggers of my condition... but there are friends... and then there are foes... I hope I’ll continually learn dealing with different personalities... #messedup

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