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Turn Your Energy Inward

If you are struggling with apathy and still fret over what other people think about you… PUT THAT DOWN! This is hard enough. Let all of that go and focus on YOU. Wash your face today, for instance! Get your butt moving!

#apathy #Depression #Anxiety #Fibromyalgia #ChronicFatigue #blah #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety



Blah....that's the only way to decribe how I feel every single day. There is always something else that makes me feel like crap. I would love to know what a clear mind and a pain free body feels like. #Depression #Fibromyalgia

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I don’t actually feel inspired to say anything besides, “How are all of you other apathetic people out there?”

#apathy #Fibromyalgia #Depression #ChronicDepression #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #blah #nothing #bed


Good morning, have a blessed day.#Goodmorning #Happyday

I wake up feeling tired still. I also wake up feeling #sad for some reason. A tiny feeling of good old #Anxiety Today is looking to be a gloomy day. It could clear. Today is a free day. I have nothing going on. I almost feel like i could #cry . I don't really feel #Depression . I just feel really low mood. Some days i have times i look back on thinking of stuff i like to forget forever,#moody


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Good morning friends. Happy Wednesday.#happythoughts #positive

Can you believe summer is almost over? It went buy to fast. Like always, Some how this was a strange summer for me. Today is a gloomy wet rainy day, The thought of Winter makes me #Depression And #sad . I get the winter time blues. I jus hate the cold weather and ice. The bloody snow. #blah I just hope next year will be better. Things can be somewhat normal.#feelingblah #down

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And just like that! 😰 #Anxiety

I was doing fine!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ All of a sudden I’m fighting this all too familiar #AnxietyAttack and I’m not in the best of moods 😠


#overwhelmed #blah #exhausted #tired

I am so overwhelmed. it is so hard to keep up with doctors appointments, shit going wrong with my body, my cats kitty litter, cleaning myself, sleeping, studying , homework, trying to get my new job rolling, nursing school, clinicals, finances, getting to at least 1-2 A.A. meetings, my grandma is declining very fast, my aunts dog died from a terrible seizure today, my parents are stressed. basically from every direction shit hits the fan. it’s very overwhelming. like how am I doing it all? my brain is fried and I need to sleep for like 5 days. I wish I could press pause and catch up :( it’s one thing after another. #Depression is tanking because I’m on my damn period too.


Feeling the guilt/shame of taking a mental health day

Yesterday wasn’t great, but I made it through. When I woke up this morning the only thing I wanted to do was go back to bed...for the rest of the day. I didn’t want to go to work. I didn’t want to shower. I didn’t want to get dressed. I didn’t want to see anyone. But I actually got up and did all of those things.

However, I am now currently right back where I started. I left work and didn’t go back after lunch. I’ve felt nauseous, panicked, and fatigued all day. Now I’m lying in bed feeling like a worthless failure because there is SO much I need to do...but I have accomplished absolutely nothing today. It wasn’t a good day. Does this happen to anyone else? Or am I just..a sucky person?

#Depression #Shame #CheckInWithMe #blah