I don’t know how to survive day to day any more. I tried to end things not long ago. Didn’t work. Anyway. For a while now I’ve known that I’m never not going to be a burden. There just isn’t a world where I’m not in pain and am expected to hide it or downplay it for other peoples comfort. So not worth it. Especially on top of being severely disabled. Anyway just venting. But in so much pain. But planning to live for a bit longer through summer. Just would like to meet someone like me. Haven’t talked to a single person who understands. Don’t think I ever will. Never imagined this much suffering was possible.

#severedepression #Depression #schizoaffective #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #moodswings #CognitiveDisorders #dissociativedisorders #DissociationDisorders #Isolation #Suicide #MentalHealth #Bipolar2Disorder #Pain #AnorexiaNervosa #Disability #CGL #CPTSD #Caregiving #Support #SupportGroups #CheckInWithMe #Psychosis #Schizophrenia #venting #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder